In time, Lady Artanis returned to Tirion, and the servants all agreed she was much improved. It seemed that the lord Arafinwë’s plan had been a good one—Ténon the majordomo swore he barely recognized the sedate young woman who arrived at their master’s villa and spoke so respectfully to him. The housemaids sang hymns of thanksgiving when they thought the lady Artanis could not hear.
Once again the noble household of Arafinwë was the subject of gossip in every salon and parlor. This time, however, the chatter did not shame the servants. They held their heads high while the noblewomen of Tirion cooed over how demure the lady Artanis was, how polished her manners, how polite her conversation. Why, she even wore a dress to the naming feast of her newborn cousin, Arákano!
But alone in the servants’ quarters, the household staff agreed that demure was not quite the right word for the lady Artanis. She attacked her studies with as much vigor as before, and she spoke without restraint when in the company of her elder brothers. Melwë (the downstairs parlormaid) even swore that she saw the young mistress kissing the groom’s female assistant again, though this time not in the open courtyard. There was also the issue of the lady Artanis’s new Telerin friend, Nécandil—he came to visit and wore a yellow kirtle embroidered with lilies. Lord Arafinwë had declared the boy amusing, and his wife had purchased him a long sable wig to wear at Finwë’s court. (No one, not even Ténon, could fathom it.)
Yet to all this, the other servants could only shrug. They were loyal as ever to Lord Arafinwë, and such loyalty required a simple policy: ask not, tell not. They could not be unhappy about what was done in private, behind closed doors. To be clear, they were not busybodies!
Only one aspect of Lady Artanis's behavior left something to be desired: she still refused to marry and was heard to say on occasion that no man in Aman could match her. To the hopeful young men Lady Eëarwen trotted before her, she had only one thing to say: “best me at swords, and I shall give you a kiss.” Scandalous talk, which left more than one woman in Tirion offended on behalf of her sons. It was a shame, they all thought; a true shame.
But after all, the servants admitted with a sigh, even King Olwë was no miracle-worker.
Chapter End Notes
Name Guide
— Arafinwë = Finarfin
— Arakáno = Argon
— Artanis/Nerwen = Galadriel