Fanworks Tagged with Sexual Content (Mild)

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She Hath My Love (Drabbles about Women) by Elrond's Library

A collection of drabbles about women in Tolkien's Legendarium. 

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Be All My Sins Remembered by Marchwriter

With Nargothrond’s might diminishing and the Elves’ borders hard-pressed, Finrod welcomes the first Men into his ranks, but when their chieftain, Bëor, becomes dearer to him than mere vassal, Finrod faces sending his lover or himself into deadly peril as the Enemy breaches the Elves’ leaguer.

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how almost unbreakable by queerofthedagger

It is not, Maedhros thinks, that Fingon is no longer angry. It is just that Fingon has never let anything as clean-cut as betrayal stop him from loving Maedhros in despite.

After everything, they are just a little insane about each other.

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An Urgent Matter by Ecthelion

Every morning, I leave you; every evening, you bring me back. An endless game—until the day it is not.

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Stubborn Light in a Fading Sky by Zdenka

The memories Lalwen holds to or pushes away, on each side of the Ice.

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Moon in the heat of summer by Quente

The rider loosed the arrow before Dior could call a warning, and so he did what he needed to without a second thought – he leapt from the bush where he’d been hiding, and yelled to startle the deer into motion.

The doe ran; the herd ran; the arrow sank into the ground behind Dior with a deep wet thwock.

And then the rider came up to him, and Dior saw that this rider too was naked.

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always feel like home to me by queerofthedagger

In that time before he had taken himself and his brothers East, taking Fingon back to his bed had been the last thing on his mind. After, in his cold fortress and alone with his thoughts, he had almost been grateful for it, for never having asked. As if this was something Fingon would still want—the ruined body, the betrayals like landmarks etched into it.

A sweltering summer day during the Long Peace, a cool lake, and a revelation; it is enough to bring back together what Maedhros thought lost.

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Calma by elennalore

Celebrimbor is reading a novel, but there's a distraction.

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{podfic} Ulmo's Wife by pandemonium_213 by Anérea

It was written that Ulmo was alone, but delving deeper into the nature of the Valar and their adopted world reveals otherwise.

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peaches we devour, dusty skin and all by NiennaWept

Elenwë did not marry for love, and finds herself longing through the years for something forbidden.

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Come Together, Broken Things, and Grow by UnicornsInSpace

Idril and Meleth (my OC) welcome Finduilas, Niënor, and other refugees into Havens after the Fall of Doriath, hoping they can start anew there. Finduilas's daughter is distraught about the situation. Also, how did Finduilas and Niënor make it to the Havens after the Fall of Doriath?

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The Region Cloud Hath Mask'd Him From Me Now by sallysavestheday

Maedhros and Fingon meet in the mists, again and again. Until they don't.

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Today I’ll Kiss You, Tomorrow I’ll Miss You by UnicornsInSpace

Finrod thinks about his and Amarië's relationship while they cuddle in a forest. She is a closeted trans woman.

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Tender Morsels by sallysavestheday

Fingon and Maedhros and the bittersweet taste of love.

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The Hunter and the Hare by cuarthol, polutropos

Tirion's masked ball offers decadent delights, mistaken identities, insatiable yearnings, and inescapable philanderings.

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Sandbox Love by Rocky41_7

Galadriel felt she had a well-matched friend in Princess Luthien, and she did not expect that ever to change.

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Rematch by I_did_not_mean_to

A short crime-story that is a direct continuation of a Drabble written for B2MEM (Match).

Detective Aredhel and her second-in-command Haleth find the burned corpse of a boy. They now have to investigate men they had thought firmly and safely relegated to the past. 

Can they be guilty of a crime so heinous? Why won't anybody in that dark, foreboding house cooperate when the women clearly toil to save their reputations and lives?

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From That Fair City by sallysavestheday

Pengolodh has a hard time getting accurate information on the past from a distracted Glorfindel and Ecthelion.

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Keep Your Secrets by sallysavestheday

Ulmo sends dreams of war and sanctuary to Finrod and Turgon as they travel together along Sirion.

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First Contact by polutropos

Shortly after the unexpected release of Fëanor, Daeron — now loremaster of Alqualondë and chief minstrel of the Eldar — finally reaches out to Maglor. Maglor is perplexed about his motives, but agrees to meet.

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We Made Our Own by cuarthol

Finduilas has accompanied Finrod on a visit to Doriath, but she is soon drawn out into the forest to explore the land of hidden enchantments.

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I Lava You: some silly sooty smut by Anérea

Pressure builds deep in Thangorodrim — a cheesy PWP drabble for the Cheesy Corn Chips Challenge.

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5 - I often find myself dissatisfied with my life by Rocky41_7

Thuringwethil doesn't even know why she's here. It's not like the sex is rewarding.

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