Sandbox Love by Rocky41_7

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Fanwork Notes

De-anon of this kink meme prompt.

"Sandbox love never dies." - Jennifer's Body

I had to revisit the Of Beren and Luthien chapter of Silm for this, so a rough timeline of relevant events:
- Daeron tattles on Luthien about seeing Beren
- Thingol puts Luthien in the treehouse
- Luthien forgives Daeron and he builds her the loom she uses for her escape
- Beren and Luthien's quest
- Daeron leaves Doriath in search of Luthien after her departure
- Beren and Luthien return to Doriath after Beren loses his hand
- Thingol accepts their relationship
- The Doriathrim go after Carcharoth
- Beren is killed, Luthien falls into a death swoon
- Luthien makes her deal with Mandos and is restored to live out a mortal life
- Beren and Luthien leave Doriath to make their home

Some of this takes place before Galadriel has received that epesse from Celeborn, so that's why she is sometimes addressed as "Arwen," the Sindarized form of "Artanis."

Fanwork Information


Galadriel felt she had a well-matched friend in Princess Luthien, and she did not expect that ever to change.

Major Characters: Galadriel, Lúthien Tinúviel

Major Relationships: Galadriel/Lúthien

Genre: Drama, Femslash, Romance


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 9, 559
Posted on 22 July 2023 Updated on 22 July 2023

This fanwork is complete.

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