Fanworks Tagged with Finarfin

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Rebuilding by clotho123

Early in the Second Age Finarfin is visited by someone he barely knows.  It's awkward that she is his sister Findis.

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Finarfin and Eärwen on the Beach by UnicornsInSpace

A poem Finarfin writes about Eärwen after a walk on the beach together.

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Tengwar Drabbles by cílil

A collection of Silmarillion-centric drabbles written for the Tengwar Challenge. Short and sweet!

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Doubts by ohboromir

Reborn in Valinor, Glorfindel prepares for a momentous decision with the support of an old friend.


(For hennethgalad.)

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The Myth Hanging Heavy Over You by stormfallen

Elrond asks about his mother, in 100-word drabbles.

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The Light is Still There by Aldwen

Do wars start with the first fired arrow and end with the last? Or maybe they start already with the realization that they need to be fought? And never truly end, as long as the memory of them haunts those who took part? Arafinwë’s story of the War of Wrath. Previously posted on other sites.

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a blissful state by Noldotári

Upon his return from Númenor, Eönwë has memories to face, conversations to have, and old companions to meet.

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Along Came an Elf by dalliansss

After Oromë sends a Hunting Party to investigate the reports of proliferation of fell beasts far in South Aman, the entire errand goes horrifically wrong. Celegorm was prepared to die a grisly death, yet he dares to beg the Great Void Spider to spare his life, which to his surprise, the request is heeded. Then comes the most unlikely partnership and friendship in all of Arda, and its unexpected consequences.

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rulers make bad lovers by Chestnut_pod

The tide played around the horizon, only beginning to consider its daily sweep up the beach to the toes of Alqualondë. Eärwen waved to the far-off breakers and slid down to the wet sand, then turned and lifted Anaïre down. Anaïre pecked her on the cheek in thanks, and they started up the beach to the strand and the woman lying there sobbing for breath.

She did look young, close-up. That is, she looked like an Elf who had just reached full maturity, except where she did not. Around the eyes she bore little crinkles like the seafarers did, on her heaving belly the lightning-marks of pregnancy, and two fascinating rivers of silver ran into the light-gulping blackness of her hair from the temples. And, of course, there were the feathers

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To Hold the Future in My Hand by cuarthol

Arafin seeks Elulindo's aid for a quest which will take them far to the south to waters filled with wonders he has never before seen.

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Finarfin, Idril Celebrindal and Anairë by Sirielle

Illustration to The House of Fëanor by Deborah Judge, inspired by The Silmarillion.

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Part 07: A Heady Fragrance of Honey by Eilinel's Ghost

That it was returned, he did not question. He could look back now and see everything arranged in its full image, he could trace the careful dance they both wound through this past year; every word, every silence, every touch ringing through with that steady truth. How had he been so blind?

Springtime has come to Estolad. Finrod is struck with a realization he has been avoiding and faces the decisions that lie in its wake.

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Part 06: Here in Our Frailty by Eilinel's Ghost

“Let us not perish here in the long darkness,” Balan said softly, crossing back to take one of the waiting wreaths and set it upon his own brow, “these creatures you chose to form. Remember us, here in our frailty.”

It is Yuletide. The Atani and Finrod celebrate throughout the night as they stay awake to greet the dawn after the Longest Night. Balan's people settle into Estolad, Atani traditions abound, and Finrod faces some memories.

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Finrod: 30-Day Character Study - Writings by cuarthol

Story/fiction writing prompts for the 30-Day Character Challenge.

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rockrose & thistle by hanneswrites

Nerdanel & Eärwen have tea, talk, and find peace in each other's company.

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Lords of Amon Ereb by JazTheBard

Maedhros and Maglor have stolen the Silmarils and disappeared. Beleriand is sinking. Finarfin, Gil-Galad, and all the people moving east pay a visit to Amon Ereb, assuming that the Sons of Fëanor returned there.

Instead, they find Elrond and Elros.

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A New Start by Elwin Fortuna

Finrod emerges from the Halls of Mandos. 

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The Pet from Next Door by Rocky41_7

Nerdanel and Earwen disagree about free-roaming pets.

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Golden Fire by StarSpray

Finarfin just thought the dragon egg looked neat, so he brought it home.

Then it hatched.

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Shadow's Instadrabbles by daughterofshadows

The home of my insta-drabbling pieces!

(and the odd drabble of undetermined origin)

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Water and Blood by Keiliss

Over a cup of wine, Finarfin and Ingwion discuss family, the weather, and their status as figurehead war leaders, then start a little rebellion of their own.

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A New Battle by LadyBrooke

Gil-galad found that battles in Valinor were not that different from battles anywhere else, even if they used words instead of swords. It was still a fight against despair and loss, with reminders of the cost of failure lurking behind every corner.

Elrond was no longer by his side to help, but Finarfin and Ingwë were. If there had to be a battle of words to get the rest of their family from the Halls - well, Gil-galad would not shy from planning that battle.

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Unexpected Nesting by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Earendil comes home to Elwing's Tower in Aewellond (the Bird-haven) to rest from his labors, and finds her just beginning hers. She's been...nesting in his absence.

He hadn't counted on Elwing's bird-skinchanging affecting her like this...


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The Teleri Times. by hennethgalad

Controversy rages at the Games as the House of Fëanor is accused of using performance enhancing drugs.


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