Queen's Gambit by Grundy

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Fanwork Notes

Written for the TRSB 2024 and Kings & Queens. 

Warnings: discussion of prior characters death; not LaCE-compliant.

Fanwork Information


A chance find while tidying up Indis' rooms leads to revelations no one was expecting.

Major Characters: Indis, Findis, Finarfin, Elemmírë, Eärwen, Anairë, Nerdanel

Major Relationships: Finwë/Indis/Míriel


Challenges: Kings & Queens

Rating: Teens

Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 5, 919
Posted on 6 September 2024 Updated on 6 September 2024

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents

Inspired by NiennaWept's lovely art: 

A portrait of a dark-skinned woman. Her hair is braided and she wears a ruby-studded crown of gold and matching earrings. Her dress is a rich red with embelleshed neckline and sleeves. In her right hand she holds an embroidery hoop showing a golden orchid in progress; in her left hand, she holds a needle with golden thread.


Comments on Queen's Gambit

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I have so often felt that Feanor's grief at losing Finwe overshadowed (and narratively at least, completely stole) Fingolfin and Finarfin's pain at the same.  But this is a truly fantastic, painful look at Indis's.  The general chaos not of mess but just of no logic to how anything was done ... I will just say I could go on at length and copy out nearly every line in this for special note but I will try to keep it reasonable.  Without going into detail I will say this story (particularly the first half) touched me deeply (and made it a touch harder to read, but still well received).  But that enforced silence was certainly something as well

Storing them properly hadn’t been on anyone’s mind, much less a priority. And once out of sight, they had been out of mind.
Ooh I feel this one 

less which of her past homes she should inhabit than which part of her past should haunt her.
This is so real

Oh Finarfin, my beloved... I feel you

She was not ready to confront the absence of her mate just yet


Eärwen was at the foot, closest to Ara in his chair.
🥺 justified hurt but so much desire for restoration!
