Fanworks Tagged with Elemmírë

This is a Writing fanwork

She Hath My Love (Drabbles about Women) by Elrond's Library

A collection of drabbles about women in Tolkien's Legendarium. 

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We Were as in a Dream by Zdenka

Lalwen has known the bliss of Valinor unmarred, but this is sweeter.

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Queen's Gambit by Grundy

A chance find while tidying up Indis' rooms leads to revelations no one was expecting.

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Neldë Nelquain mí Orelesta by Chestnut_pod

Elemmírë gathers sparks in the Darkness -- light without end.

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Envy by polutropos

Even the greatest artists struggle with petty jealousy. Fortunately, they have siblings capable of snapping them out of it. 

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Scope of Imagination by Himring

As Maedhros and Maglor sit together quietly on an evening in Eastern Beleriand, Maglor remembers a conversation he once had in Valinor and it sets off a train of thought.

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[podfic] Aftermath by Chestnut_pod, The Wavesinger

Immediately after the Darkening, Findis and Elemmírë attempt to adjust.

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Tsenerlingn Sher by Chestnut_pod

Maglor flirts with anti-establishment views and fails miserably at flirting with anything else. Elemmírë just wants him to work on his melisma.

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Lockdown Instadrabbling by Nienna

A collection of ficlets (not true drabbles) written for Lockdown Instadrabbling on Discord.

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Moonrise by StarSpray

A group of Vanyar gather on a hilltop outside of Valmar to witness the moon's first rising.

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Letters Home from the War by bunn

Letters between Elemmírë, the great poet-singer of the Vanyar and Amárië, beloved of Finrod, and between Ingwion, Captain of the Vanyar Host in the War of Wrath, and his father Ingwë, High King of the Elves.

With the odd intrusion from Finrod, because Finrod likes to turn up uninvited and just start doing his thing.  Written for Narya-flame as a gift for Worldbuilding Exchange 2019

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Fragments by SkyEventide

Short stories mostly in drabble form written for the Solstice Instadrabbling Challenge 2019 on the discord server.

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This is a Reference fanwork

Elemmírë by oshun

Elemmírë, the Vanyarin Elf who wrote the Aldudénië, is intriguing as one of the rare Tolkien characters whose gender is not identified.

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There Will Be Singing by StarSpray

"So the great darkness fell upon Valinor. Of the deeds of that day much is told in the Aldudénië, that Elemmírë of the Vanyar made and is known to all the Eldar. Yet no song or tale could contain all the grief and terror that then befell." - Of the Darkening of Valinor

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Aftermath by The Wavesinger

Immediately after the Darkening, Findis and Elemmírë attempt to adjust.

Written for IdleLeaves for Sultry in September 2016.

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Taking Readings II by Himring

Anthology for short pieces that don't fit anywhere else. 

Now added: "Something for Nothing" (Ecthelion, Egalmoth)

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Drabbles: The Silmarillion, part 2 by Zdenka

Tolkien drabbles set in the First and Second Ages of Middle-earth. (Exactly 100 words as counted by MS Word.) Please see table of contents for individual summaries and warnings.

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Song for Two Voices by Zdenka

Írimë goes into exile and Elemmírë stays behind, but their thoughts are with each other, on the Ice or in the darkness. (A sequence of five drabbles.)

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Love Song Eternal by The Wavesinger

A song (or, more properly, a poem) from Elemmírë to Írimë.

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Distractions by Zdenka

Lalwen pays Elemmírë a sudden visit, trying to escape the growing divisions among the Noldor and her family. (250-word fixed-length ficlet.)

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Song of the Laughing Maiden by Zdenka

The Aldudénië was Elemmírë's formal, public lament after the Darkening of Valinor, but she also had private feelings which she put into her poetry. (Three poems by Elemmírë about the Darkening, the First Kinslaying, the Flight of the Noldor, and above all, her love for Lalwen.)

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Not The Last Farewell by The Wavesinger

In the chaos that follows the Oath, Elemmírë says farewell to her lover.

(Written for Scribe_of_Mirrormere for Fandom Stocking 2015)

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Morning Mist and Silver Sun by StarSpray

A place to store drabbles and ficlets, mostly written for various prompts.

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Impromptu Song by Scribe of Mirrormere

Prideful young Maglor finds inspiration for a new song.

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