Fanworks Tagged with Findis

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She Hath My Love (Drabbles about Women) by Elrond's Library

A collection of drabbles about women in Tolkien's Legendarium. 

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Queen's Gambit by Grundy

A chance find while tidying up Indis' rooms leads to revelations no one was expecting.

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The Question of Succession by elennalore

After hearing the Doom of Mandos, Arafinwë returns to Valinor where the remaining Noldor need a new ruler. It appears that the Valar have already made their choice.

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Rebuilding by clotho123

Early in the Second Age Finarfin is visited by someone he barely knows.  It's awkward that she is his sister Findis.

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I climbed a mountain by Himring

At the time of the Darkening, widowed Indis, having left Tirion, asks her daughter Findis to accompany her to Valmar. 

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Sawdust by StarSpray

Findis watches, entranced, as he takes up his tools and begins a new carving, taking a shapeless lump of wood and turning it into a leaping hound before her eyes.

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Finwean Ladies Week 2021 by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Loosely connected Finwean Ladies Week snippets written for the prompts. 

Chapter One: Indis & Miriel (mostly Indis conflicting with Feanaro, mention of Findis, small Lalwen and Nolofinwe)

Chapter Two: Findis & Lalwen (Findis protesting Lalwen's desire to follow their brothers into Exile.)

Chapter Three: Artanis & Irisse (Galadriel and Aredhel on the Helcaraxe. Fingon being a teasing brother, mention of Finrod)

Chapter Four: 

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six:

Chapter Seven:

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[podfic] Aftermath by Chestnut_pod, The Wavesinger

Immediately after the Darkening, Findis and Elemmírë attempt to adjust.

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nothing but time and a face that you lose by Chestnut_pod

It always hurts to lose a might-have-been. But here Amarië is.

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Laughter as light as a feather by firstamazon

Every summer, Macalaurë’s entire family takes a trip to the woods and sets up camp for a few days, enjoying the nice weather and each other’s companies.

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To Build The Bonds That Tie by ThatFeanorian

A modern AU centering around the house of finwë: who they are how they grow, and in the end, how they love. Mostly Russingon centric, but definitely involving other characters pretty liberally, especially the other feanorians.

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Tending the Lady's Garden by Raiyana

After the War of Wrath, Finarfin rules in Tirion and Findis is left adrift, her former occupations no longer filling her days. Instead, she journeys with Indis to her house in the countryside, hoping that she might aid her remaining parent in staying just that - remaining to her.

What she finds there?

Well, not quite what was expected, but perhaps there is hope yet for her; small spots of brightness fighting against the sorrow of her house.

And flowers.

Lots of flowers.


Warning for many Findis feels.

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Our Lady of Perpetual Compassion, She of Sorrows and Succor by herenortherenearnorfar

"Few stories were told of Nienna, not because she was not loved, but because she was loved too much. Those elves who dwelled in Valinor knew her sorrows and did not pry at them. Her part in the stories of others was glossed over, her name whispered gently, her tale left unspoken and unrecorded. Such was the respect given to her, for all people might need pity some day.

If an exile from over the sea needed to learn, or a new child asked, they were shared only snippets of thought, memories, echoes of what was told perhaps only once long ago.

These were the things that were not said."

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A loss of something ever felt I by arriviste

Five people Finarfin did not expect, and one he did.


It was the Silmarils that had sent Fëanor on his mad way to Beleriand like a falling star, pulling all the youth and brightness of my life in a long tail after him; and the very Silmaril Elwing and Ëarendil brought here now had drawn Finrod my son into darkness and death, and torn him to pieces.

"To be fair, that was the wolf,” Finrod said.

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The darkening of hearts by Nuredhel

When Fëanor realize the truth about his son's realtionship with his cousin he tries to break the two apart by forcing Maedhros into a marriage. What he fails to realize is that he by doing this is introducing an innocent third person into the family, a young nis who does firmly believe that this will be the end of everything. How can she survive when hearts turn dark and cold and the light itself is stolen from them. Can she ever find true love? And will the truth about her unusual life ever be revealed?

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Forced Perspective by Grundy

Findis has to re-evaluate a friendship in light of fresh information.

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Walking in the Gardens by Raiyana

A Hero's Journey Matryoshka challenge story, featuring the head gardener of Indis' home in Vanyamar.

Set in Aman, post War of Wrath, when the arrival of Indis and Findis turn the lives of the household upside down - and leads one maiden to lose her heart to another.

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Intermezzo by Grundy

It's not easy to know that great events are afoot but be unable to take part in them. It's not easy being left behind.

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See How They Burn by Grundy

Vignettes from the relationship of Fëanor and Nerdanel, from beginning to parting.

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Aftermath by The Wavesinger

Immediately after the Darkening, Findis and Elemmírë attempt to adjust.

Written for IdleLeaves for Sultry in September 2016.

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Aftermath by Lyra

After the Darkening, Nerdanel struggles to pick up the pieces of her life - a difficult job with the legacy her husband has left her.

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