Fanworks Tagged with Anairë

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She Hath My Love (Drabbles about Women) by Elrond's Library

A collection of drabbles about women in Tolkien's Legendarium. 

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Happy Begetting Day by Ecthelion

The tale of how the sons of Fëanor were conceived and named, and how the daughters came into being in the other two houses.

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Getting Dirty by Elleth

A collection of NSFW ficlets for the "Keep It Clean" bingo card of the 2024 Potluck Bingo. 

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Queen's Gambit by Grundy

A chance find while tidying up Indis' rooms leads to revelations no one was expecting.

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Fear the Thunder by between_thepages

Thunderstorms never bring good news, Anairë has noted. And the one keeping her up this night is certainly no exception.

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Portraits of Elves by between_thepages

A collection of my portraits of various elves and the headcanons that lead to their depictions

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Portrait of Anairë by between_thepages

A portrait of Anairë, wife of Nolofinwë.

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White Flowers by StarSpray

The first and last time Turgon sees Aredhel

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Across the Dance Floor by StarSpray

Anairë, newly come to Tirion, gets her first look at Prince Nolofinwë.

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Red by Melesta

Love. He must love enough, and Maedhros will be granted to him. Fingon can do that easily enough, he thinks to himself. He had returned Maedhros from the dead before, had he not?
The world is aging, and Fingon entreats for Maedhros in the Halls of Mandos. It is simpler than he believed, but somehow it makes nothing easier.

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A Return Is Not a Homecoming by grey_gazania

Gil-galad is released from the Halls of Mandos in the Fourth Age, but settling into Tirion is not as easy as she would hope.


Written for Tolkien Gen Week on Tumblr.

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rulers make bad lovers by Chestnut_pod

The tide played around the horizon, only beginning to consider its daily sweep up the beach to the toes of Alqualondë. Eärwen waved to the far-off breakers and slid down to the wet sand, then turned and lifted Anaïre down. Anaïre pecked her on the cheek in thanks, and they started up the beach to the strand and the woman lying there sobbing for breath.

She did look young, close-up. That is, she looked like an Elf who had just reached full maturity, except where she did not. Around the eyes she bore little crinkles like the seafarers did, on her heaving belly the lightning-marks of pregnancy, and two fascinating rivers of silver ran into the light-gulping blackness of her hair from the temples. And, of course, there were the feathers

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Finarfin, Idril Celebrindal and Anairë by Sirielle

Illustration to The House of Fëanor by Deborah Judge, inspired by The Silmarillion.

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A New Life in an Old Home by chrissystriped

Maedhros is one of the last of his family to return to life, welcomed joyfully by his brothers.

Now that Fingolfin has his wife back, is he still going to welcome him in his bed -- and should Maedhros even ask?

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The Love of Their Mothers by Rocky41_7

Anaire and Earwen discuss the upcoming births of their children on a mild summer afternoon.

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Insomnia by Sublime Penguin

Anairës nightly vigil before Ñolofinwë leaves, illustration for Till Morning Breaks by Raiyana

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Of Nerdanel by Rocky41_7

The House of Finwe grieves its losses, and Nerdanel struggles to find purchase in a stormy sea.

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First Ruins of the Noldor by Rocky41_7

The sundering of the Noldor was bound to leave scars.

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To Tell the Truth by chrissystriped

After his rebirth Nolofinwe knows he can't lie to Anaire any longer, even if the chance of Maedhros to ever be reborn is slim.

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Shadow's Instadrabbles by daughterofshadows

The home of my insta-drabbling pieces!

(and the odd drabble of undetermined origin)

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Young Thranduil's Confusion (Or, A Númenórean Poem Most Strange...) by Kaylee Arafinwiel

In the midst of the War of the Last Alliance of Elves and Men, ticking down to the end of the Second Age, there are frequently lulls between the action-packed moments. War is a lot of waiting, as one young Sindarin lieutenant - who happens to be Greenwood's crown prince - learns to his dismay.

Still, in such quiet moments are friendships fostered. Prince Elendur Isildurchil, the very first of Isildur's Heirs, has often invited Greenwood's prince to spend time in his tent and learn the wisdom of Men.

Sometimes Thranduil learns lessons the barely more than elfling is ill prepared for...and Elendur's not much more prepared for moments like these.

Let's hope Lord Elrond and their edair never find out...

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Once Upon A Time And Long Ago by AdmirableMonster

When the twins' fathers finally leave them to go after the Silmarils, Elros and Elrond decide they don't deserve to be orphaned a second time. In the midst of a great storm, though, strange magics are unleashed, and they wake up five hundred years earlier in an unsullied paradise. But dark things are stirring in Valinor, and the twins are told to tread lightly, lest they unweave their very existence.

Can they find a way to save their fathers and return to their own time, or will it all play out the same way and end in fire?

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To gather in a flourishing way by Chestnut_pod

It is renowned among both the Teleri and the Noldor, though perhaps for different reasons among each, that Eärwen Swan-Maiden of Alqualondë was married to Arafinwë of the Noldor in a dress broidered with one thousand pearls, and more draped around her neck and woven through her hair like sea spray.


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