Of Nerdanel by Rocky41_7

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


The House of Finwe grieves its losses, and Nerdanel struggles to find purchase in a stormy sea.

Major Characters: Nerdanel

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, Family


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3, 595
Posted on 4 March 2022 Updated on 4 March 2022

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents

For the Finwean Ladies' Week event on tumblr!

This is sort of a companion piece to First Ruins of the Noldor, but you don't need to have read that one for this.

I've just always been interested in what happened with the Elves who stayed behind in Valinor, and I imagine it was particularly rough for Nerdanel. This takes place before Findis and Indis leave Tirion to live with the Vanyar.

I also talked a bit here about my interpretation of Nerdanel's interpersonal relationships within Finwe's family if anyone was curious.

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