Young Thranduil's Confusion (Or, A Númenórean Poem Most Strange...) by Kaylee Arafinwiel

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Fanwork Notes

In mine and AfricanDaisy's 'verse, Thranduil is born during the Second Age while the Sindar still dwell in Lindon, so here, during the Last Alliance, he's still fairly young as Elves go - maybe about the equivalent of an 18 year old human. Elendur is younger than him in chronological years, but far wiser than him in experience, and he, Aratan, and Ciryon (who aren't present in this fic) treat Thranduil as a "little" brother.

Fanwork Information


In the midst of the War of the Last Alliance of Elves and Men, ticking down to the end of the Second Age, there are frequently lulls between the action-packed moments. War is a lot of waiting, as one young Sindarin lieutenant - who happens to be Greenwood's crown prince - learns to his dismay.

Still, in such quiet moments are friendships fostered. Prince Elendur Isildurchil, the very first of Isildur's Heirs, has often invited Greenwood's prince to spend time in his tent and learn the wisdom of Men.

Sometimes Thranduil learns lessons the barely more than elfling is ill prepared for...and Elendur's not much more prepared for moments like these.

Let's hope Lord Elrond and their edair never find out...

Major Characters: Elendur, Thranduil

Major Relationships: Elendur & Thranduil

Genre: Ficlet, Het

Challenges: Akallabêth in August, Kings & Kink

Rating: Adult

Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Moderate)

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 357
Posted on 8 September 2021 Updated on 8 September 2021

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Thanks so much to Grundy for the prompts, AfricanDaisy for the beta, and Nienna for the help with the title!!

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Not sure what's funnier, Thranduil with So Many Questions, or Elendur probably walking eggshells for a while hoping the kid didn't actually ask anyone about that interesting book...