Fanworks Tagged with Ficlet

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No Last Stand by elennalore

An Orc is writing to their loved one in the War of Wrath.

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That Bard from Doriath by Flora-lass

Maglor, Fingon and Finrod go for a picnic, and Maglor is in a bad mood. Written for the Dark Matter challenge prompt: 'the letter E'.

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Lay the Heart Bare, Leaf by Leaf by IdleLeaves

A collection of flashfic, drabbles, and snippets.

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Butterflies and Flutes by Flora-lass

A short tale exploring young Thranduil's arrival in Greenwood the Great, and how he came to consider it home.

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Burning in the Darkness by Artano

Series of snippets focusing on Finrod and written for the Restoration & Rebuilding and Jubilee challenges

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By Mirrormere by bunn

A new Age dawns, and Moria is retaken at last. 

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Beneath the Bitter Rain by bunn

The Gardens of the Entwives are fallen, but two Entwives remain. 

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With a Shiver, Without a Word by IdleLeaves

Maedhros closes the shutters, one by one. "You're late," he says, voice low but not unkind.

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Through the Long Night by IdleLeaves

Maedhros comes to Barad Eithel after the Dagor Bragollach and the fall of Fingolfin.

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Torchsong by Dawn Felagund, Elleth

Maglor performs the Noldolantë and the room reacts.

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Hot Chocolate by Artano

Short interaction between Maedhros and Caranthir, written during an instadrabbling session.

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This is a Writing fanwork

January 2025 Instadrabbling writings: Olwë, Tuor, Illuvatar, Finrod, Dior, Gil-galad by Quente

Short fanworks for the following prompts:
    •    hurt, delusions, tandem, fly
    •    The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea.
    •    Oh, this spacious sky/Is not poetry enough for our swelling lungs
    •    Smells like teen spirit generator: annoying siblings
    •    From a random page of On Fairy-Stories: beauties, terrors, sun, power
    •    Even a wounded world holds us, giving us moments of wonder and joy.

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A bit of mischief by daughterofshadows

Elrond and Celebrían sneak out one evening. Set pre-relationship in Lindon.

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Jubilee by polutropos

Ficlets for the Jubilee Challenge instadrabbling. 

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Unchangeable by Artano

After re-embodiment, Finrod struggles to adjust to Valinor and pick up the threads of his old life

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Plans by Anérea

An ancient orc gets one over on a freshly returned Melkor.

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And Leave of Gold There Grew by StarSpray

Galadriel and the mallorn trees: three drabbles

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Triptych, II by Grundy

Three vignettes, three times Luthien thinks about Treelight and Silmarils.

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empty spaces by queerofthedagger

Tears unnumbered ye shall shed; Finarfin needs no doom, no treasonous brothers, no Middle-earth to believe it true.

The House of Arafinwë before, during, and after its Exile. A history told in an assortment of loosely connected drabbles.

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Mairon: 30-Day Character Study by elennalore

Ficlets and drabbles on Mairon written for 30-Day Character Study.

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Distance by StarSpray

There was a gap between them that he did not know how to cross.

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Seven Names by Anne Wolfe

Seven names a princess of Rohan and daughter of Helm Hammerhand might have borne, and the fates that accompany them.

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After the Festival by Himring

At Ivrin, during the aftermath of the Mereth Aderthad.
A brief vignette.

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