A bit of mischief by daughterofshadows

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Fanwork Notes

Part of my Beneath your Wings universe, so elves have wings. This is set early in Elrond's and Celebrían's friendship, while they are both in Lindon.

Started during the Instadrabbling session on 18.01.2025 for Elleth's four word prompt: spark, night, rooftop, woodsmoke

Fanwork Information


Elrond and Celebrían sneak out one evening. Set pre-relationship in Lindon.

Major Characters: Elrond, Celebrían

Major Relationships:

Genre: Ficlet

Challenges: Jubilee

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 666
Posted on 19 January 2025 Updated on 19 January 2025

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on A bit of mischief

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I especially enjoyed the peek into Elrond’s past, and why this moment meant so much to him — his heart aching at just a tiny friendly touch of wings, when before only Elros touched them. Aaaaahhhh, that says a lot with so little.