Fanworks Tagged with Ficlet

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sown as seed in the dark by Melesta

‘None of the Valar, but the King rides upon Rochallor, his great steed. Yea, and wrathful he is, flying ahead as an arrow.’
Ard-galen witnesses Fingolfin's final stand.

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Let There Be Light by StarSpray

When the Valar descended from the Timeless Halls into Eä, they found all in darkness, with nothing there of the world they had seen and sung.

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Murmuration by Himring

In Nevrast, Idril and her aunt Aredhel explore a reported natural phenomenon at Lake Linaewen together.

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Bringing News by StarSpray

Celebrimbor's mother comes to visit him, bringing important news.

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A hidden lane, a secret gate by Himring

Schoolmaster Atkins, at the end of his life, doesn't go the same way Niggle did, but he still finds Niggle's Tree.

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Wreath and Leaf by Himring

Atkins (the schoolmaster who had the painting of a leaf by Niggle framed) had a wreath issue that year.

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longing by Harp_of_Gold

In Numenor, Mairon contemplates a sacrifice.

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Notes on Small Matters by Narya

Fingon records a selection of details about his life from the Fourth Age onwards.

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The Cîr Imladris Archive by Lferion

The library and archives of Cîr Imladris contain many stories.

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An Unexpected Couple by StarSpray

The news that Mister Bungo Baggins and Miss Belladonna Took were to marry caused quite an uproar all the way from the East Farthing to the West.

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The Choice by LadySternchen

The Grinding Ice proves a deadly trap for Elenwë and her daughter. Turukáno is willing to give his own life to save that of his wife and child, and almost succeeds.

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And There Make a Garden by Arveldis

Éowyn walked through the rows of the garden that sprawled beyond the house, her hand laid over the swell of her stomach. It was high summer, and the garden grew in wild abandon, hardly distinguishable from the fragrant wilderness that rippled and tumbled over the hills of Emyn Arnen.

Éowyn walks in her garden and reminisces about all the people who helped her create it.

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Lessons by ohboromir

Andróg takes his son out for an archery lesson, and reflects on fatherhood.

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Heat Wave in the City of the Moon by Himring

It is the time before the War of the Last Alliance, before the first fall of Isildur's recently built city of Minas Ithil to Sauron's attack.

One of its inhabitants is sensitive to the unseasonable weather; she does not quite realize she is also suffering from premonitions.

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A kiss with joy by ohboromir

Elwë and Lenwë share a joyful moment by the shores of the Great River.

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Listen to the Song by polutropos

Young Daeron has many questions. This time, they lead Beleg to a vision of a dark future for the elves on the westward journey.

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In Fields of Gold by Arveldis

Setting aside her basket, Indis ran barefoot through the fields to greet him, and he swept her into his arms and spun her around. Her laughter fell upon the fields like rain, and Finwë felt it wash over his heart, welling up in the cracks that he had thought would ever remain after the loss of Míriel.

The song of their joy spills over the fields of the Valar.

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Bear's Last Autumn by Himring

Beorn's last farewell to his son.
With a coda, showing the Beornings returning to the mountains.

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Hard Is the Heart by Arveldis

Indis tries to mend the rift within the House of Finwë. Fëanáro does not take kindly to it.

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Guilt-Stricken, Sobbing by Elwin Fortuna

Turin, just after killing Beleg, sinks into despair.

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The Insult by Himring

A Noldorin academic may express her opinions quite forcefully, sometimes.
Tatiel already had a bit of a reputation, even before the Darkening, and she is not cowed.

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Echo of the Music by StarSpray

Yet this newest tapestry was different. Elu saw that immediately upon walking into the room. Melian’s hands moved swiftly across the the tapestry, woven in brilliant colors and shapes, picking out new details and marvelous things in clever embroidery, her silver needles flashing in the lamplight.

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Beyond the Wheeling Stars by sallysavestheday

When Elwë wakes from the long trance of his wedding, the first reach of his mind is for Finwë. Old loves and their consequences.

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