Across the Dance Floor by StarSpray

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Fanwork Notes

written for Nolofinwean Week 2023, and for the Tolkien Short Fanworks prompt "silver"

OC names come from Chestnut's list!

Fanwork Information


Anairë, newly come to Tirion, gets her first look at Prince Nolofinwë.

Major Characters: Anairë, Fingolfin

Major Relationships: Anairë/Fingolfin

Genre: Ficlet, Het


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 597
Posted on 6 November 2023 Updated on 6 November 2023

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Across the Dance Floor

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Ahhh I love these two and there's pretty much nothing about their relationship in canon. Love how much character development you managed to pack in such a short piece, the dancing, their ink-stained fingers, all little gems of the people they are. 

Beautiful and atmospheric, thanks for sharing!