Fanworks Tagged with Anairë/Fingolfin

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Happy Begetting Day by Ecthelion

The tale of how the sons of Fëanor were conceived and named, and how the daughters came into being in the other two houses.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Across the Dance Floor by StarSpray

Anairë, newly come to Tirion, gets her first look at Prince Nolofinwë.

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A New Life in an Old Home by chrissystriped

Maedhros is one of the last of his family to return to life, welcomed joyfully by his brothers.

Now that Fingolfin has his wife back, is he still going to welcome him in his bed -- and should Maedhros even ask?

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This is a Artwork fanwork

Insomnia by Sublime Penguin

Anairës nightly vigil before Ñolofinwë leaves, illustration for Till Morning Breaks by Raiyana

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First Ruins of the Noldor by Rocky41_7

The sundering of the Noldor was bound to leave scars.

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This is a Writing fanwork

To Tell the Truth by chrissystriped

After his rebirth Nolofinwe knows he can't lie to Anaire any longer, even if the chance of Maedhros to ever be reborn is slim.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Young Thranduil's Confusion (Or, A Númenórean Poem Most Strange...) by Kaylee Arafinwiel

In the midst of the War of the Last Alliance of Elves and Men, ticking down to the end of the Second Age, there are frequently lulls between the action-packed moments. War is a lot of waiting, as one young Sindarin lieutenant - who happens to be Greenwood's crown prince - learns to his dismay.

Still, in such quiet moments are friendships fostered. Prince Elendur Isildurchil, the very first of Isildur's Heirs, has often invited Greenwood's prince to spend time in his tent and learn the wisdom of Men.

Sometimes Thranduil learns lessons the barely more than elfling is ill prepared for...and Elendur's not much more prepared for moments like these.

Let's hope Lord Elrond and their edair never find out...

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