Fanworks Tagged with Ficlet

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The way of things by firstamazon

Maitimo helps Fëanáro, and Fëanáro decides something important.

Written for the Monthly Challenge Opposites Attract with the prompt "organized-chaotic" 

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I Didn't Realize You Were Coming by Rocky41_7

Maedhros never stopped thinking of little cousin Finrod as the Elfling who followed him around pulling at his robes and playing games. Finrod was happy to keep it that way, but Maedhros was bound to find out about the parties someday.

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SeaLight by Anérea

Born on the Great Journey, I never knew Cuiviénen, but ever since we departed the shores of Rhûn I have missed the sensation of silky saltwater against my skin.

A Telerin Elf's first experience of the waters of Belegaer, at the end of the Great Journey.

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Queen's Counsel by StarSpray

It was not Melian’s wont to speak against her husband in public. When she did she tried to do so gently. She would not undermine his authority before his people—she was not one of Bauglir’s creatures to bend others by force to her will.

But in the privacy of their chambers it was a different matter.

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Fraiwen's Flowering by Anérea

First Age 122: in the foothills of the Orocani Mountains—west of Hildórien and far, far east of Beleriand
A little girl discovers a little of her own magic.

(The second in my Hildórien to Beleriand series exploring the early life of the Edain ancestors.)

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Entwined by Anérea

First Age 116: in the foothills of the Orocani Mountains—west of Hildórien and far, far east of Beleriand.
Woman meets man in four 100-word drabbles.

(The first in my Hildórien to Beleriand series exploring the ancestors of Adanel and her brother Magor, from whom came many of the Edain heroes of the first age, as well as the Peredhil.)

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Devotion by firstamazon

A brief history of Rúmil of Lothlórien and the intentions that guided his life.

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Luminous by StarSpray

Nerdanel crafts her first sculpture of strange but beautiful shape.

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In Light Of Dreams by Anérea

FA346: Estolad, East Beleriand, and circa FA150: near the Orocarni Mountains, Eastern Middle-earth

Zimrahin, wife of Malach and mother of Adanel & Magor, relates a tale of one of their ancestors to a young Adanel, wise-woman-in-training.

(Third in my Hildórien to Beleriand series, connecting Adanel with her earlier OC ancestors.)

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The Hunter's Horse by Himring

Orome's horse Nahar shows interest in a certain descendant of his.

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Second Wedding by chrissystriped

Ingwe receives the invitation to Finwe and Indis's wedding.

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Beyond the Western Shore by StarSpray

In her wanderings through Aman, Minyelmë comes to the farthest shore.

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Radiance by elennalore

What if Varda was the fallen Vala instead of Melkor?


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And we met love along the way by daughterofshadows

Celebrían & Elrond at the beginning of their journey.

It is not love yet, but there are roots for it to grow, and perhaps in time, it will be.

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Attercop by Himring

Beren in Nan Dungortheb.
And an in-universe explanation for a statement about spiders in The Hobbit.

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Pub Rats by Lferion

Celegorm sees some friends at The Pub Rat in Barad Eithel, in two drabbles.

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The Swan-ship by heget

Their Falmari companion tells of the arrival of Eärendil's ship, Vingilot, to Alqualondë.

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To Give and Receive by Narya

A prince, his butler, and a pair of unexpected gifts.

A fluffy ficlet written in response to the 'Dear Irmo' challenge at the Silmarillion Writer's Guild.

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Young Thranduil's Confusion (Or, A Númenórean Poem Most Strange...) by Kaylee Arafinwiel

In the midst of the War of the Last Alliance of Elves and Men, ticking down to the end of the Second Age, there are frequently lulls between the action-packed moments. War is a lot of waiting, as one young Sindarin lieutenant - who happens to be Greenwood's crown prince - learns to his dismay.

Still, in such quiet moments are friendships fostered. Prince Elendur Isildurchil, the very first of Isildur's Heirs, has often invited Greenwood's prince to spend time in his tent and learn the wisdom of Men.

Sometimes Thranduil learns lessons the barely more than elfling is ill prepared for...and Elendur's not much more prepared for moments like these.

Let's hope Lord Elrond and their edair never find out...

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Golden Hour by StarSpray

At their head was Elros’ flagship. His banners were the brightest of all, depicting the white niphredil of Lúthien and the white wings of Tuor’s house and the Star of Eärendil—the largest flag, waving from the highest mast and catching the rays of the sun and gleaming nearly as bright as their father’s star itself, which was just visible against the bright sun in the western sky.

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Watch by Lingwiloke

Túrin has been pushing the king to give up on Nargothrond's policy of secrecy, and now Orodreth comes to a decision.

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