With All Due Respect... by cuarthol

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Fanwork Notes

A teaser from the Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang fic with the additional inspirational quote: "I'm not insulting you, I'm describing you" from the Zinger challenge

Fanwork Information


Caranthir pens a letter to his cousin, seeking assistance for the People of Haleth.


A teaser from the Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang 2022 fic Wanderlust which is now available to read in full on AO3

Major Characters: Caranthir, Finrod Felagund

Major Relationships: Caranthir & Finrod

Genre: Ficlet, Humor

Challenges: Zingers

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 194
Posted on 10 August 2022 Updated on 4 September 2023

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on With All Due Respect...

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This is hilarious. Even the title is an insult (per Sindarin reckoning). And the greetings: "who hath seen fit to style himself King in Nargothrond" hahaha. (He has a point honestly). 

Say what you will about Caranthir, he's clever with his insults. I bet Finrod can appreciate that. 

Hm, sounds like there might be a little less than all due respect there, or the letter writer considers there isn't much respect due - "who hath seen fit to style himself"?

(Interesting way to start a letter asking for a favor, Carnistir...)

Oh Moryo, you pompous ass!

I love the way he styles Finrod, and then himself. And the "with all due ...  etc." made me snort!

Looking forward to enjoying the rest after TRSB reveals.