Red by Melesta

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Fanwork Notes

Arien – a Maia who guides the Sun
Fëa – Quenya term for soul/spirit
Russandol – Maedhros’ nickname meaning 'Copper-top,' or potentially from rûs (rôs) 'endurance, longsuffering, patience’

Fanwork Information


Love. He must love enough, and Maedhros will be granted to him. Fingon can do that easily enough, he thinks to himself. He had returned Maedhros from the dead before, had he not?
The world is aging, and Fingon entreats for Maedhros in the Halls of Mandos. It is simpler than he believed, but somehow it makes nothing easier.

Major Characters: Anairë, Fingon, Maedhros, Mandos

Major Relationships: Fingon/Maedhros, Anairë & Fingon

Genre: Drama, Family, Hurt/Comfort


Rating: General

Warnings: Character Death, Suicide

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 988
Posted on 4 August 2023 Updated on 4 August 2023

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Red

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Great story.

I love how you use the red light here as motif and theme.

And that sharp swerve, where he can't seem to ask for what he was sure he wanted and then it does come naturally to him after all, in the end.

Interesting takes both on Anaire and Mandos!

I'm also intrigued by your explanation of the release of Melkor.

Thanks for reading, Himring! Rebirth always tickles my mind and I find myself coming back to this subject often. First time writing Anaire so I'm glad she came through well.

Melkor's imprisonment, release and all things related are so tricky in my mind. I keep changing my perspective of it, but struggle to see it as black or white. 

Thank you!