Fanworks Tagged with Hurt/Comfort

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I called it Fate that I should fail by AdmirableMonster

Nimruzimir, a natural philosopher recently out of his apprenticeship, hardly considers himself very important to anyone, least of all his colleagues.  When his strange, prophetic fits bring him to the attention of the High Priest, however, he may find that his existence is less superfluous than he had originally thought. 


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Oh where is the sun by AdmirableMonster

Lilóteo, the erstwhile Royal Physician of the Númenorean court, is waiting to be sacrificed when he receives a strange visitor.

Written for the prompt "And the Empire grows, the seeds of its glory, for every five tanks, plant a sentimental story" + manekimi's OC Death and Sauron or others

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A Silent Echo by Rocky41_7

Hithlum reckons with the departure of the future Gondolindrim.

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An Elf at the North Pole by elennalore

Re-embodied Celebrimbor can’t find peace in Aman, so he takes the icy road Helcaraxë back to Middle-earth. The world is changed, however, and he finds himself in a very different place. But what if his past comes back to haunt him even there?

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What Comes Naturally by Rocky41_7

Two queens of the Noldor discuss motherhood.

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Lost and Found by awwyeah107

In the aftermath of the second kinslaying, Maglor and Maedhros are faced with the disappearance of a pair of twins: Eluréd and Elurín.
Years later, another pair of twins—this time under the Fëanorians’ care—are missing: Elrond and Elros.
[3 chapters, posted over 3 consecutive days.]

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The Hands of the Prince by Valxyri

Someone is planting bombs in Minas Tirith.

Early in the Forth Age, when King Elessar's life is threatened, it is up to the young prince and an unlikely ally to bring down the threat to the realms of Men.

But in the chaos of a city rocked by violence, Prince Eldarion Telcontar will discover the true meaning of his inheritance.

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The Fall of Eregion by StarSpray

The dead have no mouths, and cannot scream. That does not stop Curufin from trying as he watches Vairë’s tapestries ravel before his eyes

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I Comfort You by Flora-lass

This is more than inspired by sallysavestheday's 'Rash Words and Bitter Hopes' (see notes), in which Legolas and Gimli are riding together on Arod, towards Fangorn, and poor Legolas is seriously overwrought following the encounter with Eomer. My version might have qualified for last year's Understory challenge, if only it had been Silmfic!

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Something Sleepless in Mirkwood by Rocky41_7

Thranduil is plagued by the shadow haunting Mirkwood Forest.

No - Thranduil is haunted by the War of the Last Alliance.

Or - Thranduil has succumbed to some new and unknown illness.

Whatever the problem is, Elrond must solve it quickly, for even immortal Elves may not have forever.

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Fear the Thunder by between_thepages

Thunderstorms never bring good news, Anairë has noted. And the one keeping her up this night is certainly no exception.

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Are You Proud of Me? by MourningGlory

In his brother's final moments, Curufin must play an unexpected role.

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Awakening by MourningGlory

A very tired Maglor wakes in an unfamiliar place. There, a familiar voice gives his diminished spirit the strength to live again.

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The Gap to Himring by StarSpray

Maglor makes it within sight of Himring before his horse is cut out from under him.

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And With Him Was Elrond by elfscribe

Elrond’s efforts to heal Gil-galad from a vicious attack bring feelings to the surface that can no longer be ignored.

A Gil-galad/Elrond first time fic.
Written for the 2024 My Slashy Valentine.
Prequel to Under the Ragged Thorn.

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Than All the Roses of the World by StarSpray

And even after he and Lúthien settled in Tol Galen, where the air smelled of roses and pine and the nightingales sang merrily through the summertime, word of the outside word came in bits and pieces, often many years late.

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A Measure of Peace by StarSpray

Arwen sees that Frodo will not find real healing in Middle-earth, and seeks to do something about it.

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Little Stars by fingonsradharp

Elrond and Elros are kidnapped, again. But this time, the only people who are around to rescue them are their other kidnappers.

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The Light is Still There by Aldwen

Do wars start with the first fired arrow and end with the last? Or maybe they start already with the realization that they need to be fought? And never truly end, as long as the memory of them haunts those who took part? Arafinwë’s story of the War of Wrath. Previously posted on other sites.

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Of Candles and Moths by cuarthol

"What has so shadowed thy spirit? What is this wound thou bearest which I can neither bind nor soothe?"

“The cruelest wound, from which I shall never heal."

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Rising to Meet You by yletylyf

Celebrimbor offers himself to Sauron in exchange for the safety of his city and his people. He is resigned to any number of fates, but what Sauron actually wants from him is a mystery.

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do you remember when by yletylyf

During the War of Wrath, Sauron encounters an Eönwë down on his luck and lends a helping hand. At the end of the war, their positions are reversed. Eönwë only wishes a helping hand would be enough for Sauron.

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Northern Stars by Idrils Scribe

Aboard Galdor's warship, Glorfindel returns in triumph from a dangerous expedition deep into enemy territory. He has found Elrond's missing son, but all is not well: the Elf-child that was abducted by the Corsairs of Umbar is now a Man grown. War and darkness have left Elrohir deeply scarred, and he is not the mission's only casualty.

An alternate universe for the Under Strange Stars series, in which Elrohir goes with Glorfindel instead of running away from him after the events of Under Strange Stars. This story covers the events of ‘Northern Skies’, but it can be enjoyed without having read the original.

Many thanks to Grundy for all of her excellent beta-reading and brainstorming.e

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As You Wish by Rocky41_7

Maglor had not, in fact, lost the capacity to care for another.

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on that tree I'll carve your name by EchoBleu

Modern AU with Russingon QPR.

I have a full background for everyone and everything, though I envision this as a series of one-shots, rather than a linear story. Russingon QPR will be the main focus, but other characters will make appearances and maybe steal the light. It's a bit lighter on the trauma in the sense that everyone (beside Finwë and Míriel) is alive, but they each have their own issues.

For practical reasons (aka I didn't want to have to deal with it in-universe), Fëanor is only Míriel's son and was adopted by Finwë at a young age, so Maedhros and Fingon are not biologically cousins, and don't really consider themselves as such, though they have known each other since they were kids.

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