Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
Many of us are guilty of it: that one pairing that captures our fantasies, the love story that Tolkien never wrote...but we just know it should have been. It torments our thoughts, expresses itself in awkward behavior in our otherwise well-behaved characters, and many times, goes unwritten for shame. It is wholly unjustified by the canon or is just too weird. Maybe the characters lived too far apart in time or geography to be brought together; maybe their differences were insurmountable to friendship much less romance. The characters might be different races, different species, or the same gender.
But for this challenge, we want you to forget all of your qualms, cast aside your inhibitions, and write your one true pairing.
No matter how odd, no matter how wrong it feels, share in a story why this pairing captivates you. Whether it is an AU (alternate universe) pairing as common as Maedhros and Fingon or as strange as Galadriel and Aulë (or even stranger!), your goal for this challenge is to build a story around the premise of love between two characters that we never see in Tolkien's canon. Het or slash is acceptable, but both characters in the pairing must be canon characters (although only one needs to be from The Silmarillion) and the story should be more than just a raucous love scene. Create characters and build a story that convinces your readers that these characters belong together, and use love scenes to advance your plot and characterization.
This challenge opened in .
Day 24 – B2MeM 2009, prompt: “Choose your favorite line or quotation from a non-Tolkien source.” This is a story referenced more than once but never developed in my short novel A New Day. Inspired by Dawn Felagund’s ficlet “Hatred,” it is an account of a low point in the relationship of Maedhros and Fingon before they left Valinor.
2009 MEFA - Second Place - Drama: House of Finwë
(Maedhros/Fingon) This was written in response to teasing by IgnobleBard that I had cut out the love scene from the story I wrote him for his birthday and Halloween, Do You Believe in Ghosts? So, here it is, only a slightly belated Christmas present. (Warning: it is not really, unlike the Ghosts story that prompted it, a comic piece.)
In the interests of being a good member of a community that has chosen to observe National Poetry Month and the risk of great personal embarrassment, I present my humble effort in two blessedly short verses. So, before I lose my courage, I offer my view, tin-ear and all, on what I see as the greatest almost-canon love story of The Silmarillion. (Implied slash.)
A tale of belatedly requited love, with a dose of politics, set in the period immediately preceding the foundation of the city of Gondolin. Written in response to Slashy Santa 2007 request by Talullah Red. (Beta: the ever-generous Ignoblebard.)
Honorable Mention - MEFA 2008
What if Erestor had been part of the House of Fëanor from the beginning, in Aman? An AU look at the crumbling house of Fëanor through the eyes of one of Middle-earth's loremasters.
(New: see illustration by Robinka, added as Chapter 12.) This is a sequel to my first tale, (Maitimo and Findekáno), in my cycle of stories recounting the life-long relationship between Fingon and Maedhros. It occurs after the definitive fracture between the Houses of Feanor and Fingolfin and the flight of the Noldor to Middle-earth. Beginning immediately after Fingon’s rescue of Maedhros from the cliffs of Thangorodrim, it tells of how Fingon and Maedhros reunite and together resolve to heal the divisions among the Noldor. (Slash.)
MEFA 2008 First Place, Longer Works: General
MEFA 2007 2nd Place, Elves: Incomplete