A Harmony in Autumn by oshun

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Fanwork Notes

There is no family history in canon for Glorfindel. I have invented one for him: the younger brother of Elenwë, Turgon's Vanyarin wife, who was lost on the Helcaraxë. Differences between Turgon and Fingon about the withdrawal to the hidden vale of Tumladen are concepts of my imagination alone and have no canon basis. The ideological differences raised herein are what I view as one of several logical extrapolations stemming from the Noldor's mutinous attitude toward the Valar. I also invented that the youthful Ecthelion was heir to any Lord of the Fountain in Tirion before the exile. I have used the Sindarin names throughout this story, although one might argue this was a transitional period when the Noldor might have frequently addressed one another by their original names. I reserved the use of Quenya names herein to particular expressions of fondness, friendship or recollections of the past (Laurefindil for Glorfindel; Findekáno for Fingon).

Fanwork Information


A tale of belatedly requited love, with a dose of politics, set in the period immediately preceding the foundation of the city of Gondolin. Written in response to Slashy Santa 2007 request by Talullah Red. (Beta: the ever-generous Ignoblebard.)

Honorable Mention - MEFA 2008

Major Characters: Ecthelion of the Fountain, Fingon, Glorfindel, Turgon

Major Relationships:

Genre: General, Romance, Slash/Femslash

Challenges: Gift of a Story, One True Love

Rating: Adult


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6, 026
Posted on 24 December 2007 Updated on 24 December 2007

This fanwork is complete.

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