Fanworks Tagged with Hurt/Comfort

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The Prince and his Servant by chrissystriped

In Aman Maedhros and Fingolfin start a secret relationship based on their common taste for plays of power and pain. When Maedhros comes back from Angband hurt both in body and soul Fingolfin does everything he can to make him still feel wanted.

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The Divine Hour by jamcake_muses

An unseasonably large snowstorm causes Gil-galad to fret about their upcoming March to Mordor.

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A Star Shines On The Hour Of Our Meeting by Ysilme

Maglor wanders. Elrond dreams of Maglor and goes on a search.

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Piecing our Lives back together by chrissystriped

Findekáno brings Maitimo home, but nothing is like it was between Nolofinwe and Maedhros after his imprisonment in Angband. Maedhros feels tainted and unworthy, but Nolofinwe is not going to give up on him.

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Series: Beyond Doubt by Keiliss

Everything that belongs in the Even Quicker than Doubt \'verse.

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Under Strange Stars by Idrils Scribe

Barely a long-year after the Last Alliance all is not well in Imladris. Elrond's household has been dealt a crippling blow: a very young Elrohir has disappeared. After decades of false leads he is found in the Far South of Middle-Earth. Can Glorfindel rescue the House of Earendil once more? His task is not an easy one: Elrohir has no memory of who he was, and little interest in leaving his people's fight against the Black Nùmenoreans of Umbar ...

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Our little song by Leithriel

Just a collection of stories about my favorite characters/ships in Silmarillion

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From Aman to Eregion by Raiyana

Combining all my Curufin/Telperína to Celebrimbor fics in one place

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Elemental by Ysilme

Maglor's wanderings in the Second Age and his reconnecting with Elrond.

Note: All parts of the series have been inspired by or written for one of the Back to Middle-earth Month prompts and challenges at some point.

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Healing wounds by firstamazon

After millennia of being a self-imposed bachelor, Glorfindel reencounters the only person from his past capable of turning his world upside-down.

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Like a Dream Come True by chrissystriped

Fëanáro looked at the Vala whose silver hair had a slight lavender hue in the light of Telperion. He was wearing a necklace of silver birds – nightingales. Fëanáro smiled, he’d made that for him. The fire of his anger at the decision the Valar had made in regard to his mother and father still simmered in his breast, but he’d learned a lot of smithcraft from Mahtan Aulendil and even Aulë himself, and Irmo had always been a friend to him.

A story of Feanor's and Irmo's relationship before and after his death. Also a story of how even the Valar have to rethink their rulings sometimes.

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The Divinity Braid by Gabriel

In the weeks leading up to the War of Wrath, one would be right to believe there would not be much to celebrate, with so much in the way of work to be done in preparation. But an unexpected visitor to High King Arafinwë’s pavilion brings with them renewed sense of hope for the future and intriguing tidings.

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God, I Pity the Violins by StarSpray

On a walk down the beach in the early hours of the morning, Maglor stumbles upon a body. And then the body comes back to life. Things sort of spiral from there.

A crossover with The Old Guard (2020 film).

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For the Last Time by chrissystriped

Melkor is a captive of the Valar's army and Mairon sneaks into the camp to find him, when he is caught by Eonwe. Now he has to try to seduce his old friend to still have a chance.

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Stranger in the Forest by chrissystriped

While Turukáno is grieving for his dead wife he meets a foreign elf in the woods who wants to fight Morgoth alongside the Noldor.

Rog is wary of this prince who doesn't seem prejudiced against former thralls, but he is willing to risk it for an opportunity to fight and for the safety of his people.

It turns out Rog can also help Turukáno to deal with his grief.

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Laughter as light as a feather by firstamazon

Every summer, Macalaurë’s entire family takes a trip to the woods and sets up camp for a few days, enjoying the nice weather and each other’s companies.

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A heart is a foolish thing by firstamazon

In Imladris, Erestor receives news and reminisces about the present and the past.

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The King Thrall by Gabriel

The meeting of the hosts of the West and of the North is named the Great Battle, and the War of Wrath. There was marshalled the whole power of the Throne of Morgoth, and it had become great beyond count, so that Anfauglith could not contain it; and all the North was aflame with war.

The Silmarillion


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An Unexpected Friendship by StarSpray

After strange music is heard in the woods near Tuckborough, young Belladonna Took goes to investigate, and strikes up an unlikely friendship over tea and music with a lonely wandering elf minstrel.

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Come Back Broken by StarSpray

In one of her meadows, towering over all the other trees, her arms as branches reaching skyward, Yavanna stirred, and reached out to the little shadow as it made its way west, catching it as she caught baby birds who fell out of their nests, and cradling it in leafy arms. Her thoughts reached out to Estë's with the feeling of a sudden frost, shocked into stillness. The wounded shadow was one of their own—it was Melian.

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Finding Lost Family by chrissystriped

After Sharû and his soldiers help the slaves of Angband regain their freedom, they are prisoners of war. Future is an uncertain thing for both the orcs and the freed elves. Ecthelion intends to make life better for all of them.

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Upon a Painted Ocean by StarSpray

“It is said that Amandil set sail in a small ship at night, and steered first eastward, and then went about and passed into the west. And he took with him three servants, dear to his heart, and never again were they heard of by word or sign in this world, nor is there any tale or guess of their fate." - The Silmarillion, “Akallabêth”

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Returning Home by Sairina

When Maglor son of Fëanor surrenders to Eönwë at the end of the War of Wrath, no one expects him to reveal the secret of the Silmarilli. And yet... However, he still participated in the Kinslaying, and Námo isn't known to be merciful...

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Swans and Seagulls by LadyBrooke

Celebrían and Eärwen speak of husbands, children, and forgiveness. 

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And in spring be reborn by Calendille

Beleriand had sang. Her waterfalls had been choruses of crystal upon rocks, her forests brimming with songs of nightingales. Valinor was only It; where I wandered I found no echoes of my sunken home, until I sought one of the primal woods of Oromë. I had been warned not to go there: shadows of broken things made home in the green shadows; feral things that could not be healed.

I hovered at the edge of the wood and in my hesitations pondered: was I broken enough to wander there?

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