Strength and Beauty

March 2017 SWG challenge Strength and Beauty banner with a wave crashing on rocks, a rose with frost, and a leafless tree in silhouette

For this month's challenge, create a fanwork about the following prompt. You may use any part or all of the quote.

"Real strength never impairs beauty or harmony,
but it often bestows it; and in everything imposingly beautiful,
strength has much to do with the magic."

~Herman Melville, Moby Dick

This challenge opened in .

Fanworks Tagged with Strength and Beauty

This is a Writing fanwork

Jubilant Potluck by Grundy

Drabbles written for Jubilee, fulfilling prompts from Potluck and other previous challenges.

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Shadow's Instadrabbles by daughterofshadows

The home of my insta-drabbling pieces!

(and the odd drabble of undetermined origin)

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Into The Woods by Grundy

Angrod, Aegnor, and Artanis have been sent to make contact with their great uncle Elwë. None of them really know what to expect.

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A Cloak of Magic by LadyBrooke

Thuringwethil was once an elf, and perhaps she will be again. 

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Feanor Never Planned to Fall in Love by Erulisse

I made an original artwork from charcoal and pastels for 2014's B2MeM. It was entitled "Feanor Never Planned to Fall in Love". Now, three years later, I have developed the story behind that picture. Here's the full effort - Feanor Never Planned to Fall in Love in illustration and text. 

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In Wisdom... by just_jenni

Melian wrestles with her feelings about Elu Thingol and laments some of her decisions concerning the Doom that befell them.

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In Arda Fair by Tyelca

Two brothers and their thoughts about Arda.

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A Garden of Plots by LadyBrooke

Nimloth is reborn, builds her own house, and starts a garden.

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The Golden Dancer by Lyra

Fëanor first sees Indis as she practices a traditional Vanyarin spear-dance. Fascination turns into life-long antipathy.

Inspired by the B2MeM prompt, "when he first stood near her and recognized her dimly through the shadows, like one who, at the beginning of the month, either sees or thinks he has seen the moon rise through clouds." ~Vergil, The Aenid

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Things of Beauty by LadyBrooke

Thingol bargains for a necklace, the dwarves make a crown to scare dragons, and Narvi decides to make up for Celebrimbor's failings.


Three linked drabbles.

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One day in Doriath: Strength and Beauty. by hennethgalad

The relationship between Celeborn and Thranduil, the engagement of Celeborn and Galadriel. 

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Artanis to Alatiriel: Earweniel's Homecoming by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Written for B2MEM 2017 and the March Strength and Beauty challenge: loosely linked tales of Galadriel's welcome in Alqualonde at the end of the Third Age.

Idril remembers, as she walks on the shore of Alqualonde.

Some time after Idril greeted Galadriel at the quay (see "Itarilde and Tani"), they, Elwing, and Nimloth get together for a good catch-up. They don't intend to run into Galadriel's uncles (and aunt) at the tavern...Lindar s the term the Teleri use for themselves.

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The Elf at the Bottom of the Garden by Himring

Could Amras, son of Feanor, and Haldar, Haleth's brother, have met? 

I think they could--well, in my 'verse, at any rate.

Another glimpse of the early history of the Haladin, also featuring a very young Haleth. 

Written both for the "Strength and Beauty" challenge at SWG and for the Ambarussa day of Feanorian Week (Tumblr), although it features only Amras.

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That Blow to Your Leg by LadyBrooke

Caranthir does not trust easily and does not love easily, but Haleth told him in a different world they would be perfect.

7 related drabbles.

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A Light in the Heart by NelyafinweFeanorion

Written for Feanorian Week 2017. Day 1: Maedhros

A view of Maedhros, just after the rescue from Thangorodrim. Fingon's perpective.
Quenya names utilized due to the timeframe referenced.


The title is taken from a quote by Khalil Gibran that seemed very appropriate: "Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart."

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Noldolantë – Maglor’s Lament by oshun

This is an micro-essay and a banner created as an extended introduction to a fic-rec list pulled together to celebrate Maglor’s Day on the Fëanorian Week celebration on Tumblr and initially inspired by the SWG Strength and Beauty March 2017 challenge.

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Still by LadyBrooke

Findekáno thinks Maitimo is beautiful, through life and into death, though not always how others think of it.


7 connected drabbles.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Strength Bestows Beauty by oshun

"Real strength never impairs beauty or harmony,
but it often bestows it; and in everything imposingly beautiful,
strength has much to do with the magic."  ~Herman Melville, Moby Dick

SWG March 2017 Strength and Beauty Challenge
B2MeM 2017 (blue path/artwork/secondary colors/Tolkien quote)
Fëanorian Week Tumblr 2017 -
Day 1- Maedhros - > Adjusting/Coping, Beauty

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