Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
The ages of Arda are punctuated by encounters between peoples of different cultures.They fight and fall in love and battle and betray and colonize and corrupt one another, forging understandings on one hand and rejecting them on the other. This month's challenge asks you to create a fanwork that shows a meeting between characters of two or more cultures. There are no prompts this month. And since February is Black History Month, we encourage participants to include characters of color or or characters from cultural groups we don't hear from a lot in the texts.
This challenge opened in .
A clan of Easterlings makes their way into Beleriand, where they forge an unlikely friendship with the very people they are supposed to betray.
Thingol trusts his kin above all others. When he receives word from Finrod, it is his young kin he sends to meet the representatives of the Noldor.
Amras knows who the elf in his lands is, if only because her children do not understand that why they fled Doriath when their father kept the Silmaril.
A few years after the War of the Ring, the new King visits Umbar for the first time.
A sailor of the Avari, from the distant South, has a vision of the War of Wrath.
In a different world, Andreth wanders to the East and meets another wise-woman instead of Aegnor.
When Celebrían sails to Valinor following her attack and injury, she is accompanied by her friend Ianneth, wife of Fingon and mother of Gil-galad. Together, the two women seek to find a place in an unfamiliar land.
Ulfang's granddaughter encounters Dwarves for the first time. A slice-of-life ficlet featuring characters from my Loyalty series.
Nerdanel realizes her true feelings for Fëanor at a gathering ball. Based on a headcanon lent to me by firsthousepacifist.
In the early days of the Noldorin settlement in East Beleriand, an ominous arrival disturbs the peace of mind of Maedhros and his people.
Andreth, called Saelind by the Elves, had her heart broken by Aegnor...
...but Aegnor was no less wounded by his actions. He poured out his heart to his beloved twin, Nerwen, just before flame engulfed Dorthonion...
...and later, remembering his death, he relates his last moments to Findis.