Runes by StarSpray

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Fanwork Notes

Written for the Breaking Boundaries challenge: This month's challenge asks you to create a fanwork that shows a meeting between characters of two or more cultures.

Fanwork Information


“I think,” Lúthien said, “that the Naugrim would like to see your writings.”
This made Daeron pause, and blink. “My Cirth?” he asked. “Why?”

Major Characters: Original Character(s), Daeron, Lúthien Tinúviel

Major Relationships:

Genre: Fluff, General

Challenges: Breaking Boundaries, Jubilee

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 880
Posted on 20 January 2023 Updated on 20 January 2023

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Runes

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Awww I love this! Luthien facilitating the whole thing is brilliant. I could totally imagine her curiously watching the dwarves at work. She's exactly the kind of person who would see a group with a problem and immediately think of a friend who would benefit from helping them with the problem. This was also an oasis in the desert for light and tender Daeron & Luthien content, so thank you <3. Omg and Daeron coming out of the tree hanging upside down?! Amazing. 

Then their eyes gleamed with the fire of new learning, and they clustered around, already talking of all of the things they could write down and do, and Daeron was lit up with the excitement of sharing his works and of finding an audience who truly understood its potential.

This will now be how I imagine this moment going down.