Fanworks Tagged with Daeron

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High in the Clean Blue Air by StarSpray

They passed out of Lhûn and the wider coastline of Middle-earth opened up before his eyes. He had wandered those shores for centuries, and even now he felt the pull of that same wanderlust, and knew he would miss them for the rest of his life. Their wildness, the untamed waves, the rocky shores and the cliffs and the sandy beaches. The gulls, and the dunes, and the tide pools with their ever-changing denizens. Someone began to sing a song of farewell, and other voices took it up. He did not join them. 

Maglor keeps a promise, and comes to Valinor, only to find the ghosts he thought he'd left behind are alive and waiting for him. 

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That Bard from Doriath by Flora-lass

Maglor, Fingon and Finrod go for a picnic, and Maglor is in a bad mood. Written for the Dark Matter challenge prompt: 'the letter E'.

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Maglor and Daeron's Not-So-Excellent-But-Kind-Of-Fun Adventure by Independence1776

Maglor, a Jedi, gets roped into investigating the theft of the Silmarilli and some Sindarin treasures. His partner? The Singer Daeron.

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Jedi Maglor & Singer Daeron by Independence1776

The adventure(s) of Jedi Maglor and Singer Daeron.

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The Road to Ruin by StarSpray

In his own wanderings, Daeron comes to the shore--and finds Maglor. 

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Collection of Potluck Drabbles by Artano

This is a collection of true drabbles completed for the 'Four Words' drabble bingo card.

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Silenced by Rocky41_7

After Maglor is brutalized, he seeks out Daeron. Help he may gain, but comfort, little.

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Meet Me In The Woods (We'll Make Beautiful Music Together) by cuarthol

Lúthien escapes Menegroth for a clandestine meeting in the woods.

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Asphodel by Rocky41_7

There is no mention in the memorials of King Fingon of his Wood-elf lover.

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Tengwar: To The Letter by cuarthol

For the Tengwar prompt challenge. 
All 36 prompts plus bonus chapter

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Calma, Lambe, Lambe, Óre by sallysavestheday

Maglor prepares some Instructional Art for the Sindar to learn from at the Mereth Aderthad.

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Nenlindalë by Anérea

A love letter between Daeron and Maglor in the form of musical notation.

(Asemic music notation and song lyrics)

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Drabble Collection: Experimental Challenge by mairoff

11 Drabbles for the Experimental Challenge.

  • Melkor x Fluithuin
  • Maglor x Daeron
  • Mairon & Melian
  • Eönwë x Arien
  • Galadriel x Luthien
  • Mairon x Arien
  • Sons of Fëanor
  • Maedhros x Mairon
  • Fëanor & Nolofinwë
  • Maiar of Ulmo
  • Aulë & Tevildo

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Hold On To That Feeling by StarSpray

Since the debacle of Master Baggins and his companions’ first stay at the Prancing Pony, Barliman had been less quick to invite strangers out to the common room. But everyone loved a good song and a bit of news, and he said so as he left the room. “You’d be right welcome if you wanted to join us,” he added.

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Betrayed by LadySternchen

Lúthien thinks she can trust her best friend- until she is proven wrong. 

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Listen to the Song by polutropos

Young Daeron has many questions. This time, they lead Beleg to a vision of a dark future for the elves on the westward journey.

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Like New Flowers on Ancient Hills by StarSpray

Elves were not infrequent visitors; just a few weeks before Elanor had entertained Legolas and one of his sisters, and occasionally some of the Wandering Companies stopped for a chat on an evening. But usually they came around twilight, and almost never did one come that Elanor had never met before.

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Maker's Mark by StarSpray

Beleg teaches Daeron to make his own instrument. Later, Daeron makes is own improvements.

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First Contact by polutropos

Shortly after the unexpected release of Fëanor, Daeron — now loremaster of Alqualondë and chief minstrel of the Eldar — finally reaches out to Maglor. Maglor is perplexed about his motives, but agrees to meet.

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Pearl Diving by StarSpray

Daeron, Beleg, and Mablung go to the Falas for pearls to take back to Thingol.

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Guileless Son by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Carphadril, Queen of the Evair, moves against the King and Queen of Doriath, a threat to her rule. She raises a son who - she hopes - will wed Luthien and claim the throne of the other great forest realm for her.


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One More Song by Rocky41_7

As Luthien prepares to surrender to old age, she is visited by a long-lost friend.

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Runes by StarSpray

“I think,” Lúthien said, “that the Naugrim would like to see your writings.”
This made Daeron pause, and blink. “My Cirth?” he asked. “Why?”

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This is a Audio fanwork

Hearken Still Unsated by polutropos

When the Noldor return to Middle-earth to make war on Morgoth, only rumours reach Menegroth of their reasons for coming, but Doriath's minstrel experiences their loss and longing through his connection to Music and the gift of his Queen. Years later, he is sent to the Feast of Reuniting and meets the Elf whose grief he felt. A story about the Eldar returning home, their connection to the land and to each other, and their relationship to Music and fate, love and free will. 

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A Chance Enchantment by polutropos

Maglor is curious about the land bordering the Girdle of Melian. Lúthien and Daeron happen to be having a nice time nearby. Some nightingales help make things happen.

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