Listen to the Song by polutropos

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Fanwork Notes

Written for The Secret Gate challenge, Easy Level.

Also for Anerea's prompt 'a rumour and a distant name' + Beleg & Daeron from this list

Fanwork Information


Young Daeron has many questions. This time, they lead Beleg to a vision of a dark future for the elves on the westward journey.

Major Characters: Beleg, Daeron

Major Relationships: Beleg & Daeron

Genre: Ficlet, General

Challenges: Secret Gate

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 996
Posted on 29 June 2023 Updated on 29 June 2023

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Listen to the Song

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I like the dynamic between these two and the setting you chose! It strikes me how confidently Daeron interprets his vision and how Beleg accepts that reading. The vision is stunningly described, but does not seem all that easy to read (except with hindsight)?

Thank you! Not easy to read, and I don't think they know what it means other than BAD. I like the concept of foresight but it's tricky to work with, since your characters knowing too much risks making them and their choices less interesting. Or foolish, depending on the choice. It also seems to be how foresight works in Tolkien. More 'foreboding'. I also hc that Daeron's power of foresight, beyond the standard elven ability, also meant he would often misinterpret it, or just couldn't interpret it. Melian helps him cultivate the skill, but it's still troublesome (as in Hearken Still Unsated). Anyway, thank you for reading! 

I do love the eerie turn this takes so unexpectedly.  It's sweet up to the point Beleg looks in the water (which of course was almost certainly the point) but it's just such a sudden change, it really impacts! <3

oh wow! this is really beautiful! 

Why do you continue to search for Elwë?

It is not a question the Lindai like to ask themselves. Waiting and searching for their chieftain is simply what they do

When I read this part I was like " ok, this is at 100% a thing that the elves of Doriath would say" I loved it sooo much! And the Song is beautiful! It almost make me wish to invent a melody to accompany it. Beautiful, very very beautiful!