Hearken Still Unsated by polutropos

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Fanwork Notes

I've always felt this fic should ideally be read aloud. So many of my language choices were made for their aural qualities. But I've put off making a podfic of this, wanting it to be 'perfect' - now I have accepted that it doesn't need to be perfect.

Since this was recorded and edited entirely on my phone, there are a handful of glitches, but I have done my best to make for a smooth listening experience. Pronunciations of elvish names are based on how I remember learning them over a decade ago, so please excuse any errors.

The recording does not include the author's notes or footnotes. To read the complete text, including notes, see the text version

Fanwork Information


When the Noldor return to Middle-earth to make war on Morgoth, only rumours reach Menegroth of their reasons for coming, but Doriath's minstrel experiences their loss and longing through his connection to Music and the gift of his Queen. Years later, he is sent to the Feast of Reuniting and meets the Elf whose grief he felt. A story about the Eldar returning home, their connection to the land and to each other, and their relationship to Music and fate, love and free will. 

Major Characters: Daeron, Maglor, Melian

Major Relationships: Daeron/Maglor, Daeron & Melian

Genre: Podfic


Rating: Adult

Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)

Posted on 4 December 2022 Updated on 4 December 2022

This fanwork is complete.

A Vision
A Meeting
A Rift
A Return

Comments on Hearken Still Unsated

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I've said this elsewhere, but I agree with you that reading aloud gives your fic an added impact, especially with your intended intonation. You have a lovely voice, and it's so suited to the mood of this fic too.

I'm so glad you've made this onto a full podfic! I've so enjoyed listening to the first chapters and now the rest are downloaded...