Fanworks Tagged with Fluff

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A Rude Awakening by awwyeah107

It was well-established knowledge amongst all their brothers that if they did something that made Makalaurë suitably upset, he would retaliate by playing his pipes very early outside the offending brother’s window.

However, while Maitimo was certain that he had done something to earn this assault on his ears, he could not for the life of him figure out what it was.

(In which Maitimo is the latest victim of Makalaurë’s early morning bagpipe playing.)

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Of Elf Queens and Hammocks by Elleth

Alphangil surprises her wife Fingwen and their lover Maedhris in the gardens of Barad Eithel. Fluff and smut ensue.

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Solstice Shenanigans by Artano

Maglor prepares for the Winter Solstice celebration, but Elrond and Elros disagree with his choice of clothing.

Or: in which the Noldor invented waistcoats

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Hot Chocolate by Artano

Short interaction between Maedhros and Caranthir, written during an instadrabbling session.

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Sing before you can speak by Aprilertuile

Maitimo held his baby brother in his arms, and was surprised when the baby started to emit a melodious sound. 

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Flower Song by StarSpray

As Lúcellë entered the courtyard, which was missing the fountain that had been there previously, instead sporting a much less attractive hole in the ground—clearly awaiting a new creation, whenever Fëanáro or Nerdanel managed to finish it—a young voice called out to her from above. “Aunt Lúcellë!” She looked up to find Macalaurë hanging out of a window, waving, with his dark hair falling over his shoulders and into his eyes. 

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Collection of Potluck Drabbles by Artano

This is a collection of true drabbles completed for the 'Four Words' drabble bingo card.

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This is a Artwork fanwork

TRSB24: Dwarf Women of the East by Lathalea

This is one of my art entries for the TRSB24 event. It focuses on the Dwarves living in the East, specifically Dwarf-women.

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Meeting the In-Laws by awwyeah107

Caranthir is nervous about meeting Haleth’s father and brother for the first time. Haleth is sure everything will go well.

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Grass is Still Growing by StarSpray

When he spoke his voice was as sweet as a nightingale’s song and his words were thoughtful and kind, and Celebrían thought to herself even as he bowed over her hand, I am going to marry him.

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Fair as the First Snowdrop in Spring by StarSpray

The first time Elrond saw Celebrían he forgot how to breathe.

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Staging a Battle by StarSpray

He and Diamond were visiting, though Pippin had been disappearing every afternoon, and taking Frodo and Elanor and most other lads and lasses in the neighborhood with him—though why they couldn’t use Pippin’s own pony, Sam couldn’t imagine.

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Making Gifts by StarSpray

Brandy Hall was a veritable warren, and there were many workshops and smithies and outbuildings attached to it. Drogo was always happy to have the potters’ workshop to himself on a quiet afternoon.

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Tengwar Acrostics by Himring

Responses to the Tengwar Challenge in which first letters spell out the name of a tengwa: 1) Early Encounter (Nerdanel, Indis); 2) Numenorean Lullaby (Almarian, Aldarion); 3) Tink-Tink (Telchar); 4) Such lamps as once shone in Khazad-dum (Celebrimbor).

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Tengwar Drabbles by cílil

A collection of Silmarillion-centric drabbles written for the Tengwar Challenge. Short and sweet!

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Perspective by Rocky41_7

Grandfather brings a treat back from Valmar.

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Family Gossip by StarSpray

“You,” Fingon pronounced, “are drunk. I am not going to give you anyone’s name just so you can make up a silly drunken ballad."

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The Number One Exercise for Relieving Work-Related Stress (Click to Find Out!) by Rocky41_7

Maglor, who earned her place in Mirkwood serving in defense of the realm, has a plan for alleviating the queen's stress, and naturally it involves a great many jewels.

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White Water Flowing by StarSpray

In Valinor and homesick for Imladris, Celebrían decides to build a new one.

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Meet & Greet Challenge Drabbles by cílil

A small drabble collection for the 2024 Matryoshka Meet & Greet Challenge.

Ainur-centric, canonverse, various pairings.

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The Psamathist's Cove by StarSpray

On a starry moonlit evening, two unexpected visitors come to Psamathos' cove.

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Assistance by Himring

Early in the Second Age, Gil-galad receives an important collaborator.

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What Old Tales Say by StarSpray

How oddly the old tales changed and twisted through the years!

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