Fanworks Tagged with Fluff

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Hair Commander by Elwin Fortuna

Maedhros shows Fingon a new way of thinking about himself.

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Our little song by Leithriel

Just a collection of stories about my favorite characters/ships in Silmarillion

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This is a Series fanwork

Pollen and Passion by Lferion

Glimpses of Nerdanel, Feanor, Ambarussa, and people important to them through time

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As Stars From the Earth by StarSpray

"...and there in the forest of Neldoreth Lúthien was born, and the white flowers of niphredil came forth to greet her as stars from the earth.”

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Intimate Adventures in Arda and Aman by Lferion

Ficlets of an intimate nature set in various places and times, generally with minimal angst.

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A New Day in Valinor by Lferion

Non-angsty ficlets set in Valinor (and one or two in Middle Earth), many featuring Feanor.

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Honeysuckle And Wild Berries by Gabriel

Fëanor and Nerdanel’s first camping trip deep into the wilds of Aman was supposed to be about connecting with nature and having some alone time together. Which is what they did. But it also had the unexpected effect of deepening the unspoken feelings they had fostered for each other for sometime.

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The Divinity Braid by Gabriel

In the weeks leading up to the War of Wrath, one would be right to believe there would not be much to celebrate, with so much in the way of work to be done in preparation. But an unexpected visitor to High King Arafinwë’s pavilion brings with them renewed sense of hope for the future and intriguing tidings.

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Laughter as light as a feather by firstamazon

Every summer, Macalaurë’s entire family takes a trip to the woods and sets up camp for a few days, enjoying the nice weather and each other’s companies.

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Different beat of the heart by firstamazon

Maitimo suffers an accident and can't quite understand if it's him or his head that it's making him think funny. In other words, Maitimo slowly realizing.

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Of procedure and penetration by Fadesintothewest

Noldorin finishing school is boring, but at least Findekáno has Nelyafinwë as his instructor. Inspired by the soap opera prompts: Stock Characters: The Virgin;  Plot Tropes: Amnesia; Typical Setting: School/University; Special Episode: Hallowe'en

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Butterfly Wings by StarSpray

In the many gardens of Tirion there bloomed thousands of flowers, of all colors of the rainbow and more. And fluttering to and fro between the flowers and the trees and the shrubs were butterflies...

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Owling by lightofthetrees

One night in early spring, a young Celebrían hears a scream outside. She and her father go looking for its source.

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ShinyStarShip has Invited You to Join a Zoom Conference! by JazTheBard

Elrond is a few weeks away from sailing to Valinor, and he's had a tough time of it lately.

Luckily, his dads are willing to put aside their differences to help him.

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Royalties by heget

A glimpse into a new life in Valinor of the Second Age for one of Finrod's companions. The pin-maker's son does not expect the new windfall before him.

The happy sequel to "Pins".

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Warpath Home by heget

After Finrod's companions are reborn at the start of the Second Age, what do they do in the new eternity of peaceful paradise that awaits them?
How does a culture readjust?
What is Bân going to do with his second life?

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A love letter by firstamazon

A smitten young elf declares his love with a poem.

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The beginning by firstamazon

Young Fëanáro doesn't like his baby half-brother. Until one particular day.

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Arriving Headlong by Lferion

Findekano arrives in the world: a drabble set.

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Comfort Food by StarSpray

March 25th is a difficult day for Frodo, but Bilbo knows how to cheer him up. Glorfindel helps.

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The Sun in Spring by Idrils Scribe

"And it was then that Elrond first saw Celebrían, and loved her, though he said nothing of it."
- Unfinished Tales; "The History of Galadriel and Celeborn"

One sunny afternoon in the garden, Elrond finally says something.


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Threads of Song by StarSpray

Lúthien loved to watch her mother at work.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Holidays Gone By by StraightOuttaHimring

Vignettes of four elves celebrating holidays over the years, and one holiday spent togeather. For The Silmarillion Writer's Guild 'Seasons Greetings' challenge. 

Glorfindel: Tarnin Austa in Gondolin 

Gildor: Begetting Day in Nargothrond 

Erestor: Turuhalmë on Amon Ereb

Lindor: Coming of Age in Lindon

Yestarë in Imladris 

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A Short Tale for Summer's End by StraightOuttaHimring

It’s the dog days of summer and Maglor and the twins are trying to survive the heat on Amon Ereb. Fortunately Maedhros has a plan to help.

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Begun in the Cradle by chrissystriped

Maedhros's and Fingon's friendship started when they were little, not least thanks to their mothers.

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