A New Day in Valinor by Lferion
Fanwork Notes
Prompt fills, challenge fills and instadrabbles. One piece per chapter, with the prompt in the chapter heading.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Non-angsty ficlets set in Valinor (and one or two in Middle Earth), many featuring Feanor. Major Characters: Fëanor, Fingon, Maedhros, Nerdanel Major Relationships: Fingon/Maedhros, Fëanor/Nerdanel Genre: Crackfic, Family, Fixed-Length Ficlet, Fluff, General Challenges: Crackuary, Naturalist's Guide to Middle-earth, New Year's Resolution, Roaring Twenties, Soundtrack, Turgon's Rock Opera Rating: General Warnings: This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 4 | Word Count: 819 |
Posted on 5 February 2021 | Updated on 21 September 2023 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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Table of Contents
Fëanor appears on an 'Interview the Artist' show in modern-day Valinor.
Written for the Silmarillion Writer's Guild January 2021 Resolutions challenge:
-- Day 6: Today's bonus prompt is an addendum to our Crackuary bingo card from February: a bonus 3x3 mini-card! Square B1: Characters on a Talk Show
-- Day 27: Today's bonus prompt is from the Soundtrack Challenge: "Traveling Music" by the Silk Road Ensemble
A double-drabble.
Many thanks to Runa and Morgynleri for encouragement and sanity-checking.
On AO3
Orientation for the newly Returned is an opportunity Tauriel takes in stride. A double drabble.
Written for the Silmarillion Writer's Guild January 2021 Resolutions challenge:
-- Day 6: Today's bonus prompt is an addendum to our Crackuary bingo card from February: a bonus 3x3 mini-card! - A2: OMG They were Roommates.
-- Day 10: Bonus prompts are images for instadrabbling from the Naturalist's Guide to Middle-earth challenge, Sept 2020 - Image 5, Lattice Fungus & Orange Elf-cup.
On AO3
Many thanks to Morgynleri and Runa for encouragement and sanity checking, and the denizens of the SWG discord for enthusiasm.
Written for the SWG August challenge Roaring Twenties, Bingo card Jazz Age, O4: Prohibition -- image of a Mary Pickford cocktail. A single drabble.
Posted on AO3 here.
Many thanks to Zhie for the numbers, and Runa for cocktail enthusiasm.
Oxymel, also called sekanjabin is a refreshing vinegar-honey (or sugar) drink of ancient origin.
Written for the Fan Flashworks challenge The Last Word, and the SWG challenge Turgon's Rock Opera, with the prompt of Patti Smith's Because the Night.
Posted here on Fan Flashworks as a fixed length ficlet of 250 words. Revised to a triple drabble, expanding on the SWG prompt, and posted here on SWG, and here on AO3.
Many thanks to Runa for encouragement and sanity-checking.
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