Fanworks Tagged with Crackfic

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Solstice Shenanigans by Artano

Maglor prepares for the Winter Solstice celebration, but Elrond and Elros disagree with his choice of clothing.

Or: in which the Noldor invented waistcoats

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Tyelkormo's Great Escape by Aprilertuile

Tyelkormo was currently outside the house, hiding from his mother.

It was nearly winter and every winter was peak matchmaking activity time in Tirion’s palace. So Nerdanel focused more on her sons at this period since she wanted them to make a good impression so they could find a good wife as was proper for young adult elves. 

Alas, Tyelkormo didn’t want that. 

Works for the Sitcom Bingo : We need a distraction, Failure is the Only Option, and getting volunteered (poor Makalaurë's dramatic so he enjoys being volunteered, worry not, no minstrel was harmed in the writing of this fic).

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Maglor and Daeron's Not-So-Excellent-But-Kind-Of-Fun Adventure by Independence1776

Maglor, a Jedi, gets roped into investigating the theft of the Silmarilli and some Sindarin treasures. His partner? The Singer Daeron.

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Jedi Maglor & Singer Daeron by Independence1776

The adventure(s) of Jedi Maglor and Singer Daeron.

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Meet Me In The Woods (We'll Make Beautiful Music Together) by cuarthol

Lúthien escapes Menegroth for a clandestine meeting in the woods.

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Monty Python and the Athrabeth by cuarthol

Bëor: Halt!  Who goes there?
Finrod:  It is I, Felagund, son of Finarfin of Valinor.  King of Nargothrond, builder of Minas Tirith, sovereign of all Dorthonion!
Bëor: Pull the other one!
Finrod: I am!  And this is my trusty servant, Edrahil.

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One-handed Anonymous by Lyra

Imagine a self-help group for fictional characters who have lost one or several hands. That's it. That's the idea.

A very rough sketch to get in just under the wire to respond to three challenges at once:
- Tengwar (ampa - hook; technically Noldo)
- Crossroads of the Fallen King (Crossover with Star Wars, Peter Pan, the MCU, the Aubreiad, real world history, Mad Max and the Queen's Thief series)
- Funky 70s (Star Wars; some of the fancy drinks)

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The Parchment of Secret Valian Tales by SonOfMandos

Some stories of old were never to be scripted. There were tales told around a campfire or sung on tables of a festive inn. Perhaps the imagination of the Eldar knew no boundaries, or perhaps Valar were not as valiant and dignified. Manwë Súlimo, he who is the sovereign of the Gods, finds himself the unfortunate protagonist of, shall one say, perilous adventures. Here are the stories of the Very Lost Tales of Aman.

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Along Came an Elf by dalliansss

After Oromë sends a Hunting Party to investigate the reports of proliferation of fell beasts far in South Aman, the entire errand goes horrifically wrong. Celegorm was prepared to die a grisly death, yet he dares to beg the Great Void Spider to spare his life, which to his surprise, the request is heeded. Then comes the most unlikely partnership and friendship in all of Arda, and its unexpected consequences.

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I Lava You: some silly sooty smut by Anérea

Pressure builds deep in Thangorodrim — a cheesy PWP drabble for the Cheesy Corn Chips Challenge.

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Rubicon as Sin by SonOfMandos

Celegorm, Curufin, Maedhros, Maglor, Caranthir and Finrod meet at Caranthir's on Maedhros' order because Finrod owns Celegorm and Curufin, and Maedhros is angry about it!! Finrod doesn't want to give Tyelko and Curvo away for free, that's stupid, he demands payment. Moryo has tons of money. Finrod desires more. SUSPENSE!!

Read the fic to know what happens!!!

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The Call of the Loon by SonOfMandos

Captured by Lúthien and her Marchwardens, Celegorm is the prisoner of the princess in Menegroth. Against his will, he finds himself the personal retainer of the daughter of Melian. Desiring to repent and heal his soul from his sins, Celegorm accepts his fate as a servant. Warned of the situation by Galadriel, Finrod tries to resolve it with his great-uncle. Naturally, Lúthien has a strange sense of humour and refuses to give the Fëanorian back to his family.

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L'imbécillité by SonOfMandos

S’il y avait une chose qu’Erestor méprisait, c’était l’imbécillité.

Alors Erestor, une personne « comme il faut », s'est donné le droit de rouspéter.

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Stupid Sexy Gil-galad by bunn

In which the mysterious manner in which Gil-galad obtained the power to banish Galadriel to Valinor is revealed. 

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A Very Silmarillion Alphabet by sabcatt

A is for Aegnor who burned with his land.
B is for Barahir, robbed of his hand…

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Khamûl's Sulfurous Exfoliants by Independence1776

After the Ring War ends, Khamûl and the rest of the Nazgûl open an exfoliant business. In order to expand it, Khamûl decides to open a stall at Tharbad’s Greenway Spring Faire.

Written for Back to Middle-earth Month 2015.

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A Miracle of Infectiousness by kimikocha

It's supposed to be impossible for the Ainur to get sick, but Mairon has always been exceptional.

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Illegal Noldorin Immigrants by Himring

On Mount Olympus, Zeus receives a puzzling report about unusual activities among the Amazons.

His female relatives appear to know more about these than they let on.

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Proceedings of the Angband Poets' Society by kimikocha

Selections from the latest edition of the Angband Poets' Society magazine.

What's that, you say? You didn't realize Angband had a poets' society? Well, now you know.

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The Nargothrond Cordial by jamcake_muses

A recipe from Finrod's cookbook "From the Pans of Beleriand".

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The Library of Mandos by kimikocha

FIRST NOTICE: Library records show the following item(s) overdue. Please return or renew them as soon as possible to avoid further charges. Note that late fees for Dark Lords accrue at the rate of one (1) Silmaril per day.

Fëanor starts a library in Mandos. The question of the day: Which member of the Arda Evil League of Evil borrowed Twilight and forgot to return it?

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Arithmetic Progression at Cuivienen by Himring

In Cuivienen, ancestral home of the elves, Imin, ancestor-founder of the Vanyar (originally called Minyar), makes a slightly tactless comment.

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Unexpected Nesting by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Earendil comes home to Elwing's Tower in Aewellond (the Bird-haven) to rest from his labors, and finds her just beginning hers. She's been...nesting in his absence.

He hadn't counted on Elwing's bird-skinchanging affecting her like this...


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The Tale of Gull-galad by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Elrond brings a new friend to a council meeting. His foster-brother the King is somewhat amused. But will everyone be?

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Tevildo's Hunting Party by Elfhild

By Angmar and Elfhild. Craving new fare for his feasts, Tevildo, Prince of Cats, devises a scheme to hunt down one of the Great Eagles by using a child of the Noldoli as bait. Inspired by The Book of Lost Tales.

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