Arithmetic Progression at Cuivienen by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

This was written for a challenge at tolkienshortfanworks that asked for a mention of the number 144 or use of the word "gross", in honour of Bilbo Baggins's birthday in the month of September.

Fanwork Information


In Cuivienen, ancestral home of the elves, Imin, ancestor-founder of the Vanyar (originally called Minyar), makes a slightly tactless comment.

Major Characters: Imin, Iminyë

Major Relationships: Imin/Iminyë

Genre: Crackfic


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 144
Posted on 22 October 2021 Updated on 22 October 2021

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Arithmetic Progression at Cuivienen

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Loved the ficlet! "It is actually an accident that the word count of the ficlet is also 144 on this site . . ."  I do not know why I got such a kick out of that remark! Made me laugh because I thought 'maybe no accident but magic!' It also made me think of a quote I ran across recently. I had seen it before but never knew where it came from. “We must not let in daylight upon magic.” Walter Bagehot 1826–77, English economist and essayist, The English Constitution (1867.

Thank you very much, Oshun! I'm glad you enjoyed the ficlet!

I admit I don't like divergences in word count as much when my drabbles no longer have 100 words on cross-posting. But this time the Archive really threw a gift word count in my lap! Site magic! I guess I did let the daylight in on it a bit, but I am glad we both had fun with it!