The Call of the Loon by SonOfMandos
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: Captured by Lúthien and her Marchwardens, Celegorm is the prisoner of the princess in Menegroth. Against his will, he finds himself the personal retainer of the daughter of Melian. Desiring to repent and heal his soul from his sins, Celegorm accepts his fate as a servant. Warned of the situation by Galadriel, Finrod tries to resolve it with his great-uncle. Naturally, Lúthien has a strange sense of humour and refuses to give the Fëanorian back to his family. Major Characters: Beren, Celegorm, Lúthien Tinúviel Major Relationships: Beren/Luthien Genre: Alternate Universe, Crackfic Challenges: Rating: Teens Warnings: Sexual Content (Moderate) |
Chapters: 3 | Word Count: 12, 538 |
Posted on 8 September 2022 | Updated on 8 September 2022 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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