First Impressions by Grundy

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Fanwork Notes

Posting this one right at the wire, with every intent of at least another chapter and probably two, because I didn't even get to the actual meeting. Will update characters when the next chapter posts, as it didn't seem fair to list them before they actually appear.

Fanwork Information


Thingol trusts his kin above all others. When he receives word from Finrod, it is his young kin he sends to meet the representatives of the Noldor. 

Major Characters: Elu Thingol, Original Female Character(s), Oropher

Major Relationships:


Challenges: Breaking Boundaries, Middle-earth Museum

Rating: General


Chapters: 3 Word Count: 2, 994
Posted on 15 March 2018 Updated on 1 July 2018

This fanwork is a work in progress.

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Table of Contents

This chapter meets the Middle Earth Museum challenge - Angarato's fancy belt is the enamelled & gilded wedding belt.

Comments on First Impressions

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But a people who think little of women, and of young women in particular, may be less cautious before you than they would be before others. Their tongues may be freer, or their actions bolder.

Hah! Thingol's on to something there. Frustrating though it may be for Merelin, she really is going to be at the heart of the expedition. I enjoyed the cultural differences between the Noldor and the Sindar that you alluded to, and your Thingol was unexpectedly likeable!

An Unexpected Opportunity

Aaaaahhh so many good details here!  The writing they can't read, the question of whether they will show as much honor to a princess as a prince (and a clever test!)  Love it!

Long Sundered Kin

Well done for Merilin and Artanis cutting through the communication difficulty and getting right to the point!

The Ocean Between

(It was to be devoutly hoped she would not meet any of the Lost. It might be somewhat less disturbing to kin who hadn’t known them before they were taken, but such encounters never went well.)

Yikes - reference to Orcs? 

he has handed Uncle Elu another grand-niece to fuss over

LOL!  Indeed, I can absolutely see Finrod and Thingol scheming at how to keep her from straying too far.

I like how they approached family somewhat differently, with different ideas on how relations connect or are described.  The way she connived to get Artanis and Celeborn together is wonderful - does that hint that Merilin might become the future wife of Artaresto? 
