In Arda Fair by Tyelca

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Fanwork Notes

For Poetry Month and the Strength and Beauty challenge; this is some sort of mix between free verse and cross rhyme.

Since I'm not entirely satisfied with the second poem, I had half a mind not to post it, but these two drabbles were written together and should, in my opinion, also be read together. Therefore, enjoy!

Fanwork Information


Two brothers and their thoughts about Arda.

Major Characters: Manwë, Melkor

Major Relationships:

Genre: Poetry

Challenges: Strength and Beauty

Rating: General


Chapters: 2 Word Count: 1, 317
Posted on 5 April 2017 Updated on 5 April 2017

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on In Arda Fair

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Oh well done!  I really enjoyed reading these poems!  I actually liked the second the best.  I liked how you structured them with the first being the way Melkor thinks and the second, how Manwe thinks.  Of course Manwe's contains more positive descriptions and provides feelings of hope, whereas Melkor's is quite different.

Thank you so much! Yes, the poems of Melkor and Manwë differ in some aspects and are alike in others, because despite their multiple disagreements, they are still brothers in Eru's mind. Melkor's poem is also more individually centered, while Manwë's is much more altruistic, reflecting their personalities. Anyway, that was the idea behind it; I tried to stay in characer for both of them while waxing poetic xD

I really love these! As others have said they are juxtapositioned perfectly, so that you can clearly see the difference but also the truth in both of them. Manwë’s vision is the more obvious one to agree with, but it sort of makes you take a second glance to think about Melkor’s. I like how you made him not-all-evil while still seeming in character. Something about both of these creates really vivid images in my mind. In short, welol done!