The Beauty of Strength
Was there ever such beauty to behold
In Timeless Halls were Eru dwells
Where no substantial thing will stay
That was not also in Eä there?
Coming from Eru’s thoughts, ‘tis true,
But in Themes so rich and fine inscribed
The World that Is remains superior
By far to dwelling-place Divine.
For fair is all in Eru’s mind
Yet some are more than others so
When matter can build, can grow
Remain strong when left alone.
Hidden in number and in force
Lays a secret, dormant and still,
That to uncover means perfection of
The creations of Flame Imperishable.
Strength! To not bend before the wind,
To not melt before the heat;
But instead grow stronger still
In beauty and in brilliance.
- So Melkor thinks,
And what is more? Others do think the same
In the Music he pours his soul by right
Until at last he is worthy of his name:
He Who Arises In Might.
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