Angwë the Builder is the brother of Sauron, and was a servant of Aulë until his love for his mountain, Celebdil, consumed him to the point where he was willing to do anything to regain control of it. He joined forces with Melkor (Morgoth) and became a Balrog, with the promise of having his mountain restored to him.
Angwë's diligence and lateral thinking make him an ideal servant. He can turn his hands to anything - to the despair of Morgoth's enemies - but with his heart set on driving the Dwarves out of the Dwarrowdelf and keeping Celebdil to himself, he's hard to manage, sometimes.
My Melkor speaks an archaic form of English to make himself seem remote and godlike. The rest of the characters use a more modern form because I find it easier to express myself thus.
Angwë's story is a tragedy - as the Balrog of Moria, he's doomed from the start, but it's his dream of getting his mountain back that draws people to him and makes them root for him. This fanon collides with that of Artíre the Watcher, who loves to observe drama and conflict, and they share the same fate when the Fellowship comes to Moria in the end. But until then, I have millennia to have fun with them!
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