rulers make bad lovers by Chestnut_pod

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Fanwork Notes

Many thanks to Aerlinn for the germ of this fic's idea, Catadromously for the early encouragement and vibe-check, Asterisq for the enthusiasm that kept me going through the whole process, and Melyanna for the front-half beta.

Always-on "DVD commentary" and linguistic and story notes are available on my Dreamwidth. These contain spoilers for the fic.

Fanwork Information


The tide played around the horizon, only beginning to consider its daily sweep up the beach to the toes of Alqualondë. Eärwen waved to the far-off breakers and slid down to the wet sand, then turned and lifted Anaïre down. Anaïre pecked her on the cheek in thanks, and they started up the beach to the strand and the woman lying there sobbing for breath.

She did look young, close-up. That is, she looked like an Elf who had just reached full maturity, except where she did not. Around the eyes she bore little crinkles like the seafarers did, on her heaving belly the lightning-marks of pregnancy, and two fascinating rivers of silver ran into the light-gulping blackness of her hair from the temples. And, of course, there were the feathers

Major Characters: Anairë, Eärwen, Elwing

Major Relationships: Eärendil/Elwing, Eärwen/Elwing, Anairë & Elwing, Anairë/Eärwen/Elwing

Genre: Drama, Femslash, Romance


Rating: Adult


Chapters: 21 Word Count: 75, 527
Posted on 6 June 2023 Updated on 6 July 2023

This fanwork is complete.

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Chestnut_pod has requested the following types of constructive criticism on this fanwork: Sensitivity Read, Spelling, Grammar, and Mechanics, Worldbuilding. All constructive criticism must follow our diplomacy guidelines.