Fanworks Tagged with Finarfin

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Harry Potter and the Most Noble Order of the Lion by ElrondsScribe

Do not let the title of this story mislead you. This is just as much a Silmarillion story as anything else, or I wouldn't post it here.

An alternate, and not so happy, ending to The Last Battle. This is in my Avenger of Blood universe.


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Five Things That Never Happened to Sauron by Aiwen

Different decisions by Sauron lead to startlingly different futures, while chance causes the best-laid of plans to go awry.

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Finarfin by oshun

Finarfin exhibits traits the opposite of what one expects of the Noldor, ironically causing the "least exciting" of Finwë's sons to stand out among them.

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The Last Prince: Musings on Finarfin by avanti_90

A character of few words may yet have great significance. An essay on Finarfin, the third son of Finwë and later King of the Noldor, and what he means to the story of the Silmarillion. 

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All Our Griefs Forgiven by Elleth

After the War of Wrath the reconciliation of the Noldor and Teleri draws near, but matters are complicated by the love of Eärwen and Anairë.

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Threads by Dawn Felagund

Shortly after the kinslaying at Alqualondë, Finarfin finds his nephew Fingon on the beach. Always the peacekeepers in their tumultuous family, both must choose where their loyalties lie in times to come.

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Trinkets by Independence1776

A collection of unrelated drabbles and ficlets too short to post on their own. Each story has a separate rating and all are under a thousand words.

Newest story: Chapter 48: Aulë, Finarfin, and Maglor's ignored return to Aman. Crackfic. Rated General. Ficlet.

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Without the Walls by clotho123

In which Fingolfin makes a fresh start, and later discusses the First Age with his younger brother

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The Present Circumstance by LadyBrooke

Indis has been friends and sometimes lovers with Míriel and Finwë for a long time, from the forests of Middle-earth to the palaces of Valinor and in spite of deaths and family members.

Eventual Finwë/Indis/Míriel threesome, in the course of the story every combination of two of those possible.

Written as a late birthday gift for Indy, posted here with her kind permission.

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House of Finwë drabbles by clotho123

Thirty-one drabbles, each from the point of view of a different member of the House of Finwë

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Things of Comfort and Joy by LadyBrooke

In Valinor, the effects of the rebellion are still very visible to the Noldor. Nerdanel and Aredhel are unwelcome in the city, both as reminders of the past, and as the two who flaunt the rules on fidelity.

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While These Visions Did Appear by oshun

These are my responses in graphic format to B2MeM 2013 prompts.

If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumber'd here
While these visions did appear.
Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream

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50 Prompts: AU Silmarillion by Urloth

50 Prompts resulting in 50 AU Silmarillion based or related drabbles or ficlets.

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Indy's B2MeM Stories by Independence1776

A collection of my Back to Middle-earth Month stories. Each chapter is a different year.

2019: Maglor visits Elrond after Gil-galad's death. Triple drabble.

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Like a Shadow of Shifting Silver by Kimberleighe

The backstory to Waiting for the Thunder.  A story of Anairë and Fingolfin.


Chapter 9 posted!  As the Games grow closer, there's tension rising among the Eldar.


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The Begetting Day Gift by Gwenniel

Fingolfin persuades Feanor to make something nice for Finarfin's begetting day. Feanor, the mastermind, is devious and poor Finarfin is in for a nasty surprise...

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Another Man's Cage by Dawn Felagund

In the Time of the Trees, during the Bliss of Valinor, the young family of Fëanor experience the everyday triumphs and tragedies of life in paradise. But as Fëanor's genius blossoms and his sons grow into their roles in Tirion society, tensions build that will sunder the House of Finwë and drive the House of Fëanor to open rebellion.


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Evelyn: The First Age and Valinor by Caunedhiel

REWORKED.‘I had a normal life once...’ 

At the beginning of the First Age the Elves of Beleriand rejoiced; Kin long sundered returned home. Yet all was not as it seemed. The real reasons for the return of the Noldor were kept hidden among themselves. 

The Enemy, known among the returning elves as Morgoth stirred in the iron hell of Angband. Wars were fought and lost. Many Kingdoms were founded; some rose to glory, though in the end all fell in blood and fire. 

Thrown into the chaos of Arda Marred, Evelyn must adapt to a world not her own. Arda is a dangerous place in which to be vulnerable. 

Canon Based AU

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B2ME Day 16 - Ghosts by Erulisse

B2ME Day 16 - "A gentle breeze brushes the hilltop, combing the ruins..."  Arafinwe returns to a place of great sorrow.  

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The Book of Short Tales by Lyra

A place to store short stories, ficlets and challenge responses that don't really warrant being archived on their own.

Newly Added: "The Good and the Bad". Young Aragorn discusses Noldorin history with Erestor.

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B2MEM 2011 - The Silmarillion Extracts by Dwimordene

See snazzy title. Currently posted: Day 17(?) - kindness - Faithful friends; Day 23 - use assigned quote (see chapter) - Where sea meets shore; Day 27 - character rises above herself/themselves - The Dunsinane Waltz

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Through a glass darkly by Aria

Finarfin enroute to the War of Wrath debates his family and their decisions but through darkened sky and darkened glass.

Around the coast, skirt the cliffs. Mind the hidden rocks in the dark surf. ....

When the last sword is drawn and then at last sheathed, I will welcome them home. May that day come soon, may all of our days come soon.

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The House of Feanor by Deborah Judge

In Valinor, Nerdanel sculpts, Anaire teaches lore, Finarfin regrets, Idril claims her birthright, and the world changes.

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The Understanding of a Father by Ellie

During the preparations for the War of Wrath, a recently restored Glorfindel and his father come to a better understanding of what transpired for them both since the rebellion of the Noldor.

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