Fanworks Tagged with Finarfin

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The Scented Pleasure Garden by whitewave

A very irreverent and heretical look at the Silmarillion Elves in terms of their "horticultural" potential. Has very strong sexual innuendo and adult language.  You have been warned. *Complete!

***Some varieties were updated on Jan 1, 2009 to include my LJ friends' names in their particular muse's entry.

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Don't Explain by Gwidhiel

Galadriel's return to Aman prompts Indis to reflect on the state of her fragmented family and defunct marriage.

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The Work of Small Hands by Dawn Felagund

Valinor has been plunged into darkness, most of the Noldor have gone into exile, and the Teleri grieve for those lost in the kinslaying. The Valar have turned their backs on the remaining Noldor--left without a king--and chaos rules the streets of Tirion. Can Eärwen, the quiet wife of a third-born prince, find the courage and strength to save her husband's people? 2008 MEFA nominee.

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The Understanding of a Father by Ellie

During the preparations for the War of Wrath, a recently restored Glorfindel and his father come to a better understanding of what transpired for them both since the rebellion of the Noldor.

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The Coronation by Dawn Felagund

For Allie, Nerdanel, Finarfin, and Eärwen on the day of Finarfin's coronation.

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Discretion by Dawn Felagund

For Tarion, Caranthir discovers a dark secret about Maedhros, the revelation of which could irreparably divide the Noldor. Will he reveal what he knows? Slash; Maedhros/Finrod. 2008 MEFA nominee.

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With Heavy Steps by ford_of_bruinen

Finarfin returns to plead in front of the Valar...

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Voices of Despair by ford_of_bruinen

A series of 18 drabbles and 3 double-drabble on the theme despair throughout the first age. Silmarillion and HomE based.



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The Scribe and the Heir by Dawn Felagund

For Oshun, a story about the time (in my personal storyverse) where young Maedhros worked as a royal scribe. He is forced to consider his role as his father's heir and how his decisions might worsen the disintegrating relationship between Fëanor and Fingolfin. 2008 MEFA nominee.

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Many Journeys by Elleth

A gathering place for ficlets of varying length written in response to prompts, prods and as gift ficlets.

New (added February 15/16, 2025): Instadrabbling fics from various SWG server sessions in early 2025 (marked in the respective chapter notes) as well as a few spontaneous drabbles. 

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Courage by Tarion Anarore

A quick drabble written for Finarfin Appreciation Month (January 2006).

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This is a Writing fanwork

The Small and Secret Things by Dawn Felagund

An attempt at writing a drabble or other short fiction every day, based on the Word of the Day. Please see the story notes for more information. ETA: This project is on indefinite hiatus. I am working on my second degree as well as working full-time and so have had to tell the muses to take a hike. Hopefully, once my classes end, I'll be able to get back into writing.

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Return to Me by Dawn Felagund

Finarfin assists with the re-embodiment of his son Finrod.

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Tales of Thanksgiving: A Drabble Collection by Dawn Felagund

Series of fixed-length ficlets written as holiday gifts for friends in 2006. Content varies for each drabble, so please heed the warnings posted at the top of each. Adult-rated ficlets are marked with an asterisk (*). MEFA 2007 winner: 3rd Place, First Age and Prior.

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Statues by Dawn Felagund

Lost in grief over her husband and sons, Nerdanel begins to construct statues to ease her loneliness. Discovered in her pursuit by Eärwen, Nerdanel's exceptional skill might be used to offer some consolation to the Teleri.

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The Accidental King: Five Reasons Why Finarfin Deserves More Appreciation by Dawn Felagund

An essay and commentary looking at the canonical facts about Finarfin in contrast to the neglect and hostility that his character is given by the Silmarillion fanfiction community.

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