The Scribe and the Heir by Dawn Felagund

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Fanwork Notes

This started as one of my daily drabbles for the word faction, "a usually contentious or self-seeking group within a larger group, party, government." It quickly became pretty evident that this was not going to be what even I could reasonably call a ficlet ... and I've been known to stretch the definition of that term to its extreme! But I decided to go with it.

All the same, this is more a scene than a story in its own right, though it could develop into something more. It will develop into something more, when I eventually reach this point in my epic novel series.

Finally, I wrote this piece for Oshun, always a willing co-conspirator in obsessing over the daily intrigues in the House of Fëanor, a talented author, and a wonderful friend.

Quenya Name Translations
Fëanáro = Fëanor
Nolofinwë = Fingolfin
Arafinwë = Finarfin
Nelyafinwë/Nelyo/Maitimo/Russandol = Maedhros
Findekáno = Fingon

Fanwork Information


For Oshun, a story about the time (in my personal storyverse) where young Maedhros worked as a royal scribe. He is forced to consider his role as his father's heir and how his decisions might worsen the disintegrating relationship between Fëanor and Fingolfin. 2008 MEFA nominee.

Major Characters: Fëanor, Finarfin, Fingolfin, Fingon, Maedhros

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama

Challenges: Gift of a Story

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 117
Posted on 20 August 2007 Updated on 20 August 2007

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on The Scribe and the Heir

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Oh, Dawn, thank you. Such a lovely and utterly compelling--and frustrating--rendition of the two of them (well, the four of them actually)--Nolofinwe and Feanaro AND Maitimo and Findekano. OMG! I cracked up when I read "locked away with all those other nutters." I can so hear Nolofinwe saying that. And you gave me a huge bonus here: your Arafinwe is absolutely adorable--so charming and feckless on the surface, but with such almost hidden depths of strength and character. I love him. (I did notice that it may be written for your canon, but it fits into mine rather neatly as well...not surpising since I have stolen so much from yours.)

Thanks, Oshun! I\'m glad that you liked it! I could not write a gift for you without including a mention of Findekano. And I was kind of stealing from your canon by having Fin go off to Formenos while Nelyo stays behind in Tirion. ;)

Arafinwe ... ai, Arafinwe. I love his character to an unhealthy degree. I\'m so glad that you get him. He\'s a tough character to write because his frivolous veneer is very carefully constructed to distract his brothers (and nephew :) from their more dire thoughts. And I want this to show through, but subtly. I never know how well it works, but you seem to get it; that makes me happy. :)

I fully intend to look at the Feanorians in exile in Formenos as well. You\'ve launched plotbunnies upon me that will not let go! Maybe do a whole series with a different PoV character for each day ... ai, stop me now! I don\'t need more projects! ;)

Thank you again!