Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
Music is important in The Silmarillion. It is the force behind the creation of Arda and is central to many of the most important myths, from the creation of the Two Trees to the story of Beren and Lúthien. Exceptional musical talents are central to many of the characters of The Silmarillion, and songs such as the "Noldolantë" capture history, yet are never written for us to read.
This month's challenge asks authors to look at the role of music and songs in Arda. Fanworks should focus on music, whether the casual influence of music in daily life or on a specific song on instance where music was used. Here are a few examples:
This challenge opened in .
In which Elfwine goes to sea to find himself, but finds Beleriand instead, and then finds himself.
Ulmo sends another human in a swan crest to Gondolin, with expected results.
The Elves make no song of Fingolfin's last stand. One of the Edain, however, did.
Maglor's thoughts as he played the Noldolante for the first time.