Discretion by Dawn Felagund
Fanwork Notes
Tarion asked me for a story with "Caranthir interacting with Fingolfin and/or Finarfin ... preferably single!Caranthir ... light on the osanwë side (or at least subtle/small role/not directly mentioned ... siding toward serious rather than comedy ... [and] bonus points for incorporating Maedhros/Finrod." Believe it or not, as Tarion is one of my oldest and dearest fandom friends, this request wasn't as off-the-wall as it may seem. All quite predictable, actually, after many wacky IM conversations about this very premise. ;)
In fact, the hardest part about this story was the restriction on using osanwë: In my Felakverse stories, osanwë is the reason for the divide and dislike between Caranthir, Finarfin, and Finarfin's children. It was challenging--but fun--to remix this old idea of mine a bit.
The result is a story of sex, darkness, and political intrigue, featuring a Caranthir with a far better vocabulary than I ever knew he had.
Quenya Name Translations
Nelyafinwë/Nelyo/Maitimo = Maedhros
Findaráto = Finrod Felagund
Carnistir = Caranthir
Arafinwë = Finarfin
Fëanáro = Fëanor
Nolofinwë = Fingolfin
Macalaurë = Maglor
Tyelkormo = Celegorm
Curufinwë = Curufin
Þerindë = Miriel
Fanwork Information
Summary: For Tarion, Caranthir discovers a dark secret about Maedhros, the revelation of which could irreparably divide the Noldor. Will he reveal what he knows? Slash; Maedhros/Finrod. 2008 MEFA nominee. Major Characters: Caranthir, Fëanor, Finarfin, Finrod Felagund, Maedhros Major Relationships: Genre: Drama, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Gift of a Story Rating: Adult Warnings: This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 6, 605 |
Posted on 20 December 2007 | Updated on 20 December 2007 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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