Fanworks Tagged with Finarfin

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Wolf Luck by arafinwean

There were things lost on the journey to Aman, history and culture, art and songs. Such things the Eldar might never see again and yet one thing they thought lost forever still survives.


When Finarfin begins to dig deeper into the past of his people he discovers things that shouldn't have been forgotten and unearths what the Valar would have preferred to stay forgotten. Magic is dangerous after all, it corrupts all those who use it.

Doesn't it?

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The Death of Finwë by oshun

Fëanor, summoned out of banishment by the Valar, arrives at the home of Eärwen and Finarfin the day before Manwë’s long to be remembered high feast on Taniquetil. No one knows what to expect from the Valar, but they certainly least of all expected the darkening of Valinor and the death of Finwë. (Written from Eärwen’s point of view.)

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Exodus of the Noldor by Writing Gecko

After the Exile of the Noldor, Arafinwe and Aule reflect on things which can be fixed, and those that cannot.

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Exile. by hennethgalad

Nerdanel looks back on her marriage as she watches the return of Finarfin with Anairë and Eärwen. 


This is as grim as you would expect. 

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A Second Chance by Grundy

"She whom he had loved was Amárië of the Vanyar, and she was not permitted to go with him into exile." 

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An Education in Stone by Erulisse

Nerdanel is given a commission - present a sculptural work to the people of Valinor that will feature images of the Valar. But as an artist, she must remain true to her personal vision. What does that vision convey to the people and to the Valar who are depicted through her carved stone? 

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This Is My Family by Grundy

They say Tyelkormo's first love was the forests and wild places. As ever, 'they' are wrong.

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Like The Fall Of Night by hennethgalad

Morgoth sells the concept of swords to the elves through his minions.


(Ah, er, contains a canon error. Mairon was not in Valinor at the same time as the elves.

However, i could just change the name of the evil maia and it would be compatible...)

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Book Blubs by oshun

Chapter 5 – Bird Talk - Known for his popular TV show “Shut Up and Listen,” specialist in bird behavior from early childhood Turko Fëanárion insists that his methods work with the most resistant birds and the clumsiest of humans. Get all the details in this water-resistant 100-page paperback guide.
These blurbs are written by a reader who is on the mailing lists of far too many publishing companies. Why not use some of the dozens of prompts of yet another annual B2MeM to design covers or ads, write ad copy, review, or draft summaries of books I would not be likely to write?

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The World Will Know by Lotrfan

written for the Revolution Challenge 2017. The prompt was the song “The World Will Know” from Newsies.

“And the world will see that we had to choose

that the things we do today will be tomorrow’s news.

And the old will fall

And the young stand tall

And the time is now

And the winds will blow

And our ranks will grow and grow and grow and so

The world will feel the fire 

And finally know!”

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An Act of Faith by Himring

Finarfin, recently crowned king of the Noldor remaining in Valinor, summons Curufin's wife, because a certain rumour has reached his ears.

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Aftermath by Lyra

After the Darkening, Nerdanel struggles to pick up the pieces of her life - a difficult job with the legacy her husband has left her.

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Taking Readings II by Himring

Anthology for short pieces that don't fit anywhere else. 

Now added: "Something for Nothing" (Ecthelion, Egalmoth)

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Spirit of Fire by Lotrfan

Author note: I recently did a series of 100-word drabbles about Maedhros (No Flame Burns Forever). It was a good exercise so I thought I would try a similar idea with Fëanor as the central character. I have been reluctant to utilize him as a character in my works, as I am somewhat intimidated when I think about writing him. These short glimpses into his life gave me a better sense of how I think of him in my head canon and made me more comfortable with his character in general. So here is a series of 100-word (occasionally more than 100 words!) drabbles from the point of view of Fëanor. 


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Museum for the Forgotten by Dawn Felagund

It's the Fifth Age. Tirion has developed suburban sprawl, and psychotherapists are in high demand. An unkinged Finarfin experiments with political radicalism and has turned the palace into a memorial of the kinslaying. Amarië composes beat poetry. And Finrod has been reembodied into a world and among people he barely recognizes. Dark humor, for Kenaz for the Around the Fire challenge.

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Édebar by Urloth

Édebar was a tidal island. It had been a resting place of the Lady Uinen who had gifted it to a group of those who had pledged devotion to her to create a sanctuary for those who were mentally distressed or unhappy to find peace again. It was a far more discrete option than the long trip to Lorien, and Lorien was usually reserved for extreme cases.

Girls crying about their marriage prospects was not considered extreme.

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Three Sentence Fics: Tolkien by Zdenka

A collection of fills written for rthstewart's 3 Sentence Ficathon in 2013 and 2015, for Tolkien-based prompts. (Mostly Silmarillion, with one for Farmer Giles of Ham and Sir Orfeo, and one non-Tolkien crossover.)

Chapters 2 & 3: More Tolkien-based fills written for caramelsilver's 3 Sentence Ficathon in 2016 and 2017.

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Findis: On a Rock, Praying by Himring

Two pieces featuring Findis, eldest daughter of Finwe, and her choices after the Darkening.

I. A Season on Taniquetil (Findis, Fingon; quadrabble)

II. The Hermit (Findis, Finarfin)

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Two months by maeglin

Short tales that should have remained untold.

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Release from Bondage by heget

The story of two elves from Nargothrond, neither important enough to be mentioned in the family trees of kings or heroic songs, who lost their names in Angband's slavery. The childhood companion of Finduilas Faelivrin must take the princess's identity to survive in the enemy's hands. Another prisoner, regretting he did not join Beren’s quest, tries his best to save her.


The later half of The Silmarillion from the POV of prisoners in Angband, as inspired by A Dance with Dragons.

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What Is Love? by just_jenni

Earwen has an idea to help Nerdanel recover from her grief over Feanor's demise.

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The Condensed Silmarillion by Cheeky

The Silm you read when you are not really reading the Silm. Everything you wanted to know without all the boring bits.

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Where the Ocean Meets the Sky and the Land by StarSpray

Eärendil has gone sailing again--this time through the skies--and Elwing is left to find a place for herself in Valinor, while the Valar prepare for war.

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The Family We Choose by Ilye

As the Exiles return to Valinor after the War of Wrath, Anairë discovers that you can choose your family as well as your friends.

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a thousand years above her by Agelast

Írimë lives again. 

This was written for International Fanworks Day 2015, for the prompts: The Circle of Life, New Beginnings, and Traditions. 

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