Release from Bondage by heget
Fanwork Notes
No knowledge of A Song of Ice and Fire or Game of Thrones is necessary to understand this fic, as it is a fusion instead of a true crossover. A reader familiar with both should find all the nods and references, which I'll note at the end.
All chapter titles are quotes from ASoIaF.
Thanks to my betas, swampdiamonds and jubah/crocordile.
Fanwork Information
Summary: The story of two elves from Nargothrond, neither important enough to be mentioned in the family trees of kings or heroic songs, who lost their names in Angband's slavery. The childhood companion of Finduilas Faelivrin must take the princess's identity to survive in the enemy's hands. Another prisoner, regretting he did not join Beren’s quest, tries his best to save her. or The later half of The Silmarillion from the POV of prisoners in Angband, as inspired by A Dance with Dragons. Major Characters: Edrahil, Finarfin, Finduilas, Gelmir, Gil-galad, Gwindor, Húrin, Maeglin, Orcs, Original Character(s), Orodreth, Other Fictional Character(s), Valar Major Relationships: Genre: Crossover, Drama, Horror, Romance Challenges: Rating: Teens Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Moderate), Violence (Moderate) This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 13 | Word Count: 40, 360 |
Posted on 3 September 2015 | Updated on 8 January 2019 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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Table of Contents
And here's the final scene, the short epilogue that pushes the rating, but not enough I judge to change it.
I like to keep to the spirit of LaCE, if not the letter.
As promised - this is a romance.
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