Fanworks Tagged with Orodreth

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The Deeds of His Father by Zdenka

As Nargothrond reacts to Finrod's death, Celebrimbor secretly goes to Orodreth.

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A Collection of Maps Exhibiting the Changing Political Landscape in Beleriand by Artano

Created for the 'Geography/Maps/Places' prompt on the "Tolkien meta" bingo board, this is a collection of maps marked with the various people groups showing how they arrived and moved about Beleriand.  This collection focuses specifically on the time from the arrival of the Teleri, Vanyar, and Noldor before they went to Aman up to the distribution of the various kingdoms after the Flight of the Noldor, when they arrived in Middle-earth and settled there.

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Let Not My Love Be Called Idolatry by sallysavestheday

Orodreth and Túrin's fascination with each other leads them to delight, and then to disaster.

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Solace by polutropos

Orodreth finds comfort and renewal in the arms of Adanedhel.

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Whither Lies the Heart by cuarthol

The story of Ernis, wife of Fingon, and Erien, their daughter.

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Part 04: Ye Shall Render Blood by Eilinel's Ghost

In that moment he envied for the first time the mortality of Men. He coveted a death that came upon you softly, death that whispered and held out a hand and let you slip into his arms in sleep. Death that passed his fingers over your eyes and left a visage in peace. Balan’s death.

It's the Fen of Serech, more or less. An oath for an oath, blood for blood.


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Dance At Your Wedding by Tarion Anarore

A gift, a farewell, and a blessing that she wasn't seeking. Galadriel and Orodreth upon Tol Sirion.

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Watch by Lingwiloke

Túrin has been pushing the king to give up on Nargothrond's policy of secrecy, and now Orodreth comes to a decision.

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The Sandglass Runs by Dawn Felagund, NelyafinweFeanorion

In Fifth Age Tirion, Caranthir has been reembodied into a changed world: his uncle has unkinged himself and turned Tirion into a republic, Elves live in suburbs and seek psychotherapy, and the Noldor born after his exile have invented all kinds of wondrous things. One day, Caranthir receives a letter that he is being entrusted to mentor his newly reembodied cousin Orodreth. They must not only resolve their old enmity but achieve a tenuous friendship--maybe even more?--as both seek the peace and acceptance they never found in their prior lives. Written for TRSB 2019, based on the artwork by NelyafinweFeanorion.

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The Seven Gates by Laerthel

The impossible happened – a Silmaril has been stolen from Morgoth’s crown. Maedhros decides to reunite the People of Beleriand against the Enemy and attack him while he is still unprepared (which is by no means less impossible). Meanwhile, in the hidden city of Gondolin, Lord Glorfindel of the Golden Flower pursues the meaning of his recurring nightmares, only to find himself in the centre of a secret ploy against the ever-growing power of Maeglin Lómion in the King’s Council.

The People of Beleriand are astir; and as the strings of our heroes’ fates tangle, a dark shadow creeps above the North – the Fifth Battle approaches. And to what end, no one could dream...

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This is a Series fanwork

My Preciousssss Mary Sues by whitewave

The main theme of the Non-Canon stories here will be Humor/Parody, bordering on the "Heretic".  Please do not read if you are easily offended by these contents.

All stories will contain much adult language, innuendo, nudity, suggestive/compromising positions, and many embarassing situations for the characters, especially the Fëanorions and Mary Sue.  

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Torchbearer by Aiwen

Stories about Finrod Felagund and sometimes other members of House Finarfin.

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The Line of Kings by Michiru

A series encompassing my attempt to bring Angrod and his family to life, from Valinor to the War of Wrath.

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Bloody Silmarils - Series by Dilly

In Gondolin, Turgon is depressed...

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The Rise and Fall of Beleriand by Encaitariel

Also known as:  Encaitariel’s Guide to Nargothrond and Its Denizens

This is a collection of the bits that I have collected (and continue to collect) about my Nargothrond and those Elves who inhabit her: some are character sketches, some (unposted) responses to challenge prompts I have seen here or there, and some are just bits of scene to flesh out relationships. Some will never been seen outside of these chapters, but others may eventually find a place and context within a larger work.

As always, I thank you ahead of time for taking the time and attention to read.

~ Encaitariel ~

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From Aman to Eregion by Raiyana

Combining all my Curufin/Telperína to Celebrimbor fics in one place

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To Build The Bonds That Tie by ThatFeanorian

A modern AU centering around the house of finwë: who they are how they grow, and in the end, how they love. Mostly Russingon centric, but definitely involving other characters pretty liberally, especially the other feanorians.

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Revelator by Lilith

The War of the Ring has ended and nothing has turned out exactly as anyone expected. Sauron, who is in this version female and known originally as Mairen and now as Thû, has survived, remained corporeal and been captured.  As such, she will be sent to Valinor to stand trial.


Posted in a very different form.   Heavily revised.  Completed and being posted gradually  as final revisions are made.

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Little Galadriel. by hennethgalad

Finarfin and his family make a garden for Galadriel's  seventh begetting day present.


25: 'start'  (photo prompt, sign painted on a gate by a child)

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All Hues and Honeys by Dawn Felagund

This is my latest collection of pieces too small to stand alone, often written for events on the SWG Discord.

The Latest:
"Fly." Fingon's faith in his friendship with Maedhros leads him to the decision to rescue him.
"Salt." Uinen discovers the kinslaying.
"Sunship." Nerdanel places the final cog in the sunship as an act of resistance.
"No One Heard That." The histories withheld some details of Fëanor's muster of the Noldor.
"Cracked." Námo explains death to a young Fëanor.
"Sunship, Reprise." The sunship's launching, from the perspective of the other side of the sea.
"Shadows beyond a Campfire." The sons of Fëanor build a campfire after the Nirnaeth.
"The Neologist." Pengolodh on language and history at three points in Gondolin's history.

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Holidays Gone By by StraightOuttaHimring

Vignettes of four elves celebrating holidays over the years, and one holiday spent togeather. For The Silmarillion Writer's Guild 'Seasons Greetings' challenge. 

Glorfindel: Tarnin Austa in Gondolin 

Gildor: Begetting Day in Nargothrond 

Erestor: Turuhalmë on Amon Ereb

Lindor: Coming of Age in Lindon

Yestarë in Imladris 

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Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble by Raiyana

Nargothrond, Midwinter:
Curufin attempts to recreate a warming cordial from Aman with Beleriand ingredients. ->
Celegorm tests it. ->

Aka the accidental invention of miruvor

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A Gift Like No Other by Raiyana

In the aftermath of Curufin's exile, Celebrimbor receives a package.
It changes... everything.

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