Series compiled by Aiwen
Stories about Finrod Felagund and sometimes other members of House Finarfin.
- Series Information
Stories about Finrod Felagund and sometimes other members of House Finarfin.
Major Characters: Finarfin, Finrod Felagund, Orodreth
Major Relationships:
Fanworks in "Torchbearer"

In the House of Feanor by Aiwen
Warnings: No warnings apply
Short stories containing members of House Feanor doing interesting, amusing, and strange things. Chapter Nine: Of Mice and Maiar.

Walking into Darkness by Aiwen
Warnings: Mature Themes, Violence (Graphic)
A detailed retelling of the Nargothrond element of the lay of Leithian from the points of view of Finrod and Orodreth.

Your Dungeons are Inadequate by Aiwen
Warnings: No warnings apply
A letter from Sauron to Finrod Felegund sent shortly after the fall of Minas Tirith. Sauron has some complaints he wishes to make.