The Sandglass Runs by Dawn Felagund, NelyafinweFeanorion
Fanwork Notes
This story is set in Aman and so uses Quenya names:
Carnistir = Caranthir
Artaher = Orodreth
Findaráto = Finrod
Arafinwë = Finarfin
Artanis = Galadriel
Angaráto = Angrod
Aikanáro = Aegnor
Tyelkormo = Celegorm
Curufinwë = Curufin
Nelyo = Maedhros
Findekáno = Fingon
NelyafinweFeanorion requested, "Modern AU setting with Caranthir and Orodreth pairing. I do like complex characters and personalities. I like slow burn, friends to lovers, relationship complexities, first times, quiet moments, mutual pining, developing relationships, mild conflict, hurt comfort, situational relationships."
This story is part of my Republic of Tirion series, in which I am reembodying the Noldor into the Fifth Age, where Finarfin has unkinged himself and (against the wishes of the Valar) turned Tirion into a representative democracy. You do not need to be familiar with the rest of the series to understand this story.
Fanwork Information
Summary: In Fifth Age Tirion, Caranthir has been reembodied into a changed world: his uncle has unkinged himself and turned Tirion into a republic, Elves live in suburbs and seek psychotherapy, and the Noldor born after his exile have invented all kinds of wondrous things. One day, Caranthir receives a letter that he is being entrusted to mentor his newly reembodied cousin Orodreth. They must not only resolve their old enmity but achieve a tenuous friendship--maybe even more?--as both seek the peace and acceptance they never found in their prior lives. Written for TRSB 2019, based on the artwork by NelyafinweFeanorion. Major Characters: Amarië, Caranthir, Orodreth Major Relationships: Caranthir/Orodreth, Amarië & Caranthir Genre: Drama Challenges: Rating: Adult Warnings: Character Death, Expletive Language, Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Moderate), Violence (Moderate) This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 15 | Word Count: 23, 781 |
Posted on 18 July 2021 | Updated on 19 July 2021 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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