Fanworks Tagged with Amarië

This is a Writing fanwork

Unchangeable by Artano

After re-embodiment, Finrod struggles to adjust to Valinor and pick up the threads of his old life

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Summer Celebration by between_thepages

Amarië and Finrod are dancing together during a celebration of summer.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Tengwar Drabbles by cílil

A collection of Silmarillion-centric drabbles written for the Tengwar Challenge. Short and sweet!

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This is a Writing fanwork

Sunwarmed by StarSpray

The more he thought about it the more he realized he was not quite missing the Tirion of his childhood, but Nargothrond at its height. His own city, that he’d planned and helped to build with his own two hands, where his friends among the dwarves had visited so often, and where he had earned his favorite epessë. No one in Valinor called him Felagund.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Today I’ll Kiss You, Tomorrow I’ll Miss You by UnicornsInSpace

Finrod thinks about his and Amarië's relationship while they cuddle in a forest. She is a closeted trans woman.

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The Law of Attractive Nuisance by Rocky41_7

Amarie would appreciate Finrod being less of a distraction. At least he's willing to help fix the problem he caused.

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This is a Playlist fanwork

You Are My Sunshine by Rocky41_7

Amarie and Finrod, from paradise through tragedy to rebirth

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This Shadow will not Endure by Rocky41_7

For the first time since Finrod’s rebirth in Aman, he and Amarie are intimate.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Part 07: A Heady Fragrance of Honey by Eilinel's Ghost

That it was returned, he did not question. He could look back now and see everything arranged in its full image, he could trace the careful dance they both wound through this past year; every word, every silence, every touch ringing through with that steady truth. How had he been so blind?

Springtime has come to Estolad. Finrod is struck with a realization he has been avoiding and faces the decisions that lie in its wake.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Finrod: 30-Day Character Study - Writings by cuarthol

Story/fiction writing prompts for the 30-Day Character Challenge.

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This is a Writing fanwork

inundated with the fated thought of you by hanneswrites

Nerdanel finds love in the wake of her grief and slowly but surely builds a new life for herself.

Set Many Years Post-Flight of the Noldor, Nerdanel/OMC, Romance and hurt/comfort with a good bit of family bonding and female friendships.

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This is a Writing fanwork

A Promise by Rocky41_7

When they were very young, Amarie made a decision about Finarfin's eldest son.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Seeing Stars by Narya

Reborn in Valinor, Meleth begins to build a new life.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Just by Grundy

Finrod isn't sure how to tell others about Beleriand.

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This is a Writing fanwork

She Whom He Had Loved by polutropos

Finrod's first kiss and what Amarië thinks about it.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Shadow's Instadrabbles by daughterofshadows

The home of my insta-drabbling pieces!

(and the odd drabble of undetermined origin)

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This is a Writing fanwork

The Sandglass Runs by Dawn Felagund, NelyafinweFeanorion

In Fifth Age Tirion, Caranthir has been reembodied into a changed world: his uncle has unkinged himself and turned Tirion into a republic, Elves live in suburbs and seek psychotherapy, and the Noldor born after his exile have invented all kinds of wondrous things. One day, Caranthir receives a letter that he is being entrusted to mentor his newly reembodied cousin Orodreth. They must not only resolve their old enmity but achieve a tenuous friendship--maybe even more?--as both seek the peace and acceptance they never found in their prior lives. Written for TRSB 2019, based on the artwork by NelyafinweFeanorion.

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This is a Audio fanwork

[podfic] Athrabeth Amarië ah Elenwë by Chestnut_pod, zopyrus

Elenwë returns early from the Halls of Mandos, and only Amarië knows how to comfort her.

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nothing but time and a face that you lose by Chestnut_pod

It always hurts to lose a might-have-been. But here Amarië is.

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This is a Series fanwork

Maitimo and Findekáno by oshun

Stories written within the same universe and story arc. The featured characters are Fingon and Maedhros but also includes at various points most of the Finweans and their descendants. (Many, but far from all, of these stories include mature themes. Please see individual stories for ratings.)

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This is a Series fanwork

The Poetic Silmarillion by Dawn Felagund

\"The Poetic Silmarillion\" is an ongoing attempt to \"collect\" poems and songs that might have been spoken and sung by various characters and cultures in Middle-earth.

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Deluge by Luxa

Two women stand as the funeral procession of everyone they\'ve ever known rolls by and they hold hands. The Valar have much to pay for. Amarië/Elenwë, modern AU dystopia

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Republic of Tirion by Dawn Felagund

It is Aman. It is the Fifth Age. Finally left to his own devices, Finarfin has decided to show his own radical streak, unkinged himself, and established representative democracy in Tirion against the will of the Valar. Adding to the crazy, all his exiled, slain relatives are beginning to return from Mandos ...

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Aurora by Lferion

Fingon, Returned, works to learn how to live in the world again

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This is a Writing fanwork

To Build The Bonds That Tie by ThatFeanorian

A modern AU centering around the house of finwë: who they are how they grow, and in the end, how they love. Mostly Russingon centric, but definitely involving other characters pretty liberally, especially the other feanorians.

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